Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

Medalia Chamberton

"WHAT!?!?!" I exclaimed. "How did this happen??"

"Well, I went to the boys' Slytherin dorms to see if some of the milder boys, like Blaise would play. I was talking to him then Draco popped out of nowhere saying he was in. I started to protest, but then he accused us of being scared, so I was like 'whatever'."

I pressed my lips together tightly. "Fine. Any other unwanted visitors?"

"Does Pansy count?" I glared at her. "She was with Draco. And Medalia."

Medalia. I hated that name. I hated everything it stood for. Medalia Chamberton. The name just breathed rich, snobby, preppy, sluttish, and all around perfect. What a-- Medalia. There isn't a word to describe her. Every single guy just drools over her. It's discusting. She has no competition either. Well, except for me. We're so perfectly opposite yet similar enough for her to mark me as a competitor. I mean, WTF? I never even talked to her. She just noticed how friendly I was or something and then BOOM.

I took a deep breath. "Joy to the freaking world. Well, we'll just have to face this head on."

"Sorry." Jolie mumbled.

"It's not your fault. We just find enough of guys to resist her charm."

We ended up getting Fred and George, Cho Chang, Cho's friend Marietta, and the other people we already had. We had warned Hermione about her, but not Harry and Ron.

"To the room of requirement." I said bravely to my group.

This game is turning out to be more trouble than we planned.
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Sorry it's so short. It had to be, cause I wanted a whole chapter on medalia. LOVE YA~!