Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

Meeting Zeh Neighbors.

"Come ON guys lets GO!" I yelled at my parents, pulling them through the door. We were gonna go meet the neighbors, and I wanted to be as american-ish as possible. My Nicole Ritchie-sized sunglasses (they're black with pink rhinestone hearts) are on, a pair of ripped,but cool, jeans, and my 'i'm american and i will eat you" t-shirt on. Why, you may ask? I want to see if they'll be repulssed or in awe of my american auora. yep. My parents just can't cure me of my patriotic-ness. Nope. I'm such a sarcastic fish.

Actually, the neighbors invited us over for dinner. My parents didn't say much about them, though they DID mention that a little Atkins wouldn't do them bad. Sigh. So much for the boy next door.

When we got there I pullled out my iPod and put the earbuds in my ear. I also pulled out my razor(phone) and acted like I was more interested in that than the neighbors. My parents just sighed sadly and turned the attention back to the door. When it opened, a fat guy and skinny lady were standing there. I noticed them glance at me and exchange looks of disgust. Ha ha. I disgust you. Bleh, i've come to sucketh your blood. Random fish. Anyway, they smiled at my parents and lead us in. I saw another kid who looked a little older than me. AND he was huge. Poor guy. I thought he was trying to read my shirts, so I stuck it out more. Then I noticed what he was looking at. Perv. I hate that kid.

Dinner was SO boring and that kid kept trying to talk to me. I snubbed him. Ha ha. I found out his name was Dudley Dursley. Double ha ha ha ha ha. When I went to go to the bathroom, THEN things got interesting. On my way back downstairs I noticed that there was a guy in a room. WITH A WAND! Ha ha. Mess up your head time.

I walked into his room. Right when he was swishing is wand .lol. around. He like THREW it and started stuttering "How-how did you get in here?"

"The door" I said slowling, using hand motions. "and it was open. You know what? Lets start over. You first."




"Is your name Harry I'm in such awe of this beautiful pure bred american girl that I can't even POSSIBLY tell her my last name?" I asked him, smiling. I already knew who he was (we studied him in history) but I wasn't some star-struck preppy princess who wants to make a fan club, so, I mess with his head. Oh the joy.

"Harry-. Potter." he looked at me for some reaction but my face remained blank.

"I'm Caitlyn Serfass. But you can call me Caitlyn. or Caitly. or Lyn. or Cait. or sarcastic fish."

He looked at me like I was on crack. Who knows? I may have been. Ha ha.

"So, was that an action figure or do you just like waving around wooden sticks?" I asked, smiling.

"Um..." he looked pained. "the latter?"

I stiffled laughter. "I'm not retarded. I know its a wand. Jeez." Then I left him looking at me in awe. Just like everyone else.

OOOMMMG. I forgot to mention that I am 16 years old.
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Hiya. The Endenth. She's 16 years old. Ok?