Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated


The rest of the night was uneventful. But my parents said that tomorrow, we're gonna go to dinner at another person's house. It was one of my dad's new coworkers; the Malloy's or something. Yawn.

Daddy said that dinner will be formal or something. So I wore a pink and black dress. It was really cute.


Anyway, we arrived there around seven. Mom knocked on the door, and I stood back. A tall guy with longish blonde hair answered.

"Good evening," he said, kissing Mom's hand. "I am Lucius Malfoy." he shook dad's hand then turned to me. "And this must be Caitlyn. I hear that you'll be joining Hogwarts this year with my son Draco."

He led us in and we met Narcissa, his wife. She was very pretty and nice. Now I knew about them being dark wizards and all ( dad briefed me before we got here), but they were pretty nice. Then again, I haven't met Draco yet.

"Ahhh, and here's Draco now."

A guy was walking down the stairs. Wow. That's all I have to say. WOW. Quititch does a guy good.

"Why don't you take Caitlyn up to your room while her parents and I chat.

"Ok." he said and took my arm. "Nice dress," he said, smirking.

"Thanks?" I replied. He just smirked. Wow, this guy smirks alot.

"So Caitln, tell me about yourself."

"Well for starters, call me Caitie. or Cait. or Lyn. or Caitly. Or something. just not Caitlyn." i said. "Well I'm 5'6, I weigh 105 pounds,and I think my eyes are currently........." I looked at my hair. "Orange."

"Thats nice." he said, and opened his door. His room was all green. And black. It said Slytherin on the carpet.

"Hey Dracob, what's Slytherin?"


"It's your new name."

"Ok then. Slytherin is like a team at Howarts, the best one there is."

Jeez. Snobbish much?

"Then you are totally not in it." I said, giving him my own smirk.

"Oh I am. And you probably will be too."

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because you're pureblood. and rich. and hot."

"Dude, you're in way over your heels.And PS, the brits never get the americans."

And I left his sorry butt at the doorway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this chapter was so slow. I only own Caitlyn and the Sarcastic fish. Who, by the way, wasn't in this chapter. The Endeth.