Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

In Which Dracob Meets the Sarcastic Fish.

"No! Wait!" Dracob said, catching up with me. "My father expects me to escort you."

"Fine." I said giving him my arm. Me and this guy sooo aren't gonna get along.

When we got downstairs, we soon headed staight back upstairs, because our parents wanted to dine alone. Joy. Now I had to eat with the guy. In his green room. Ew. He seemed not to be enjoying it either.

"Ugh!" I said, after we were done eating. "I hate wearing dresses!"

"Then wy don't you take it off?" Malfoy asked.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??" I exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him.

He laughed, well actually, I was like a smirkish-laugh. Hard to explain. After I cooled down, I snapped my fingers into something more comfortable. I was wearing cool torn-ish jeans, and a t-shirt that says:"DON'T DISS THE SARCASTIC FISH."

"What the-*BLEEP*" I put my hand over his mouth for this part- "Is a sarcastic fish?"

"My life. My hope. My love!"

"Wow." he said.

"Dude, you are really a butthead."

"At least I'm not ditzy" he insulted me.

"It comes with the hair babe, it comes with the hair."

"New topic!" I said. "I TOTALLY messed with my cute neighbors head yesterday. Yep, Potter had it coming to him."

"POTTER?!?" Malfoy exclaimed.

"Yeah...." I said, standing up. "Know him?"

Before he could answer, Daddy called me down to leave.

"Oh yeah!" I said. "Sarcastic fish says nice to meet you!"

♠ ♠ ♠
We-ell. Um, yeah. Byeee. I wont even say the endeth this time. I love the S.F. Oh, I have other stories on quizilla, just messege me!