Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

Spidey Sense Tingling, Time To Get Out

The rest of the summer was EXTREMELY boring, but passed quickly, and a few days before it was time to go to school mom to me to this weird alley to get stuff for school. Did I mention I have to wear a SKIRT as a UNIFORM. Ugh, this is gonna be a tough year. I got a pretty black owl and named him Wighed. (lol, soo original, right?) And then it was time to go to school. By a TRAIN. Weird, huh?

We were standing in between platforms 9 and 10 looking like idiots when I had a sudden urge to run into the wall. So I did. And I kept going till I saw a train. I knew my bizarre urges were gonna pay off eventually! Mom must have caught on because she appeared behind me, and wrapped me in a hug, sobbing.

I patted her back,"I'll be fine mom, bye!"

"Bye hunny! And write often!" she replied, and apparated.

I skipped on the train with my luggage in tow. I contined skipping, that is, untill I ran into somthing.

Me: Darn! That's what I get for skipping with my eyes closed. Are you okay?

Guy with red hair: I'm fine *then pauses* Do you have an accent?

Me: No silly! You do!

Guy looks confused: Umm okay, do you wanna sit with me and my friends? :D

Me:Sure! And did you know that if you take the R out of friends it spells fiends?

Guy justs looks back at me strangely. (he's pulling my luggage)

Me: I'm Caitlyn Serfass.

"Ron Weasley."

He leads me into a compartment and who do I find? Why none other than......


"Wha-? Oh, hi Caitlyn."

"I told you not to call me that!' I scold.

He winces. "ok."

"Why do you act like I cause you pain, Mr. Potter?" I ask him curiously.

"Well, you did nearly give me a heart attack and trip me." he replies.

I laugh, wipe my eyes, and sigh. "Yeah, good times, good times."

I hear a giggle on the other side of the compartment. It was a girl with brown curly hair. "Why hello there! I'm Caitlyn."

She smiles, "I'm Hermione." then pauses. "Hey, do you have an accent?"

I look at Harry confusedly. "Why do they all ask that? I don't have an accent! YOU all do." and I spend the rest of the trip trying to copy their weird little accent.

After we change into our *bleh* skirts, I lay back down in the compartment.

"You know, thats not a very lady-like way to sit." Harry tells me.

"Neither is that." I say pointing at him. Ron and Hermione laugh, and Harry just sighs.

When the train stopped, we got out. I didn't wanna ride in a boat so i got a carridge instead, and sat down. The other 3 sat around me. Then, I heard a voice. Its HIS voice.Spidey-sense tingling. Must get out....... Too late!

"Caitlyn, what are you doing in here?" Draco asks through his teeth.

"This, Dracob, is called sitting. Its when your butt-"

"No! I mean with them!" He snarled. I just shrugged.

"Come with me!" he demands.

" Yawn. Too lazy." and the carridge pulls away.

"You know him?" Hermione asks.

"Family friend." I reply, and we go up to the castle.
♠ ♠ ♠
WHICH HOUSE TO YOU WANT HER TO BE IN> I NEED TO KNOW CAUSE I DONT CARE! SLYTHERIN? GRYFINDORR? MESSEGE ME! It was a long one, wasn't it? Instead of spider man, it could be spudder man, with potatoes!