Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

Kinda Reminds Ya of Miley Cyrus, Doesn't It?

Thanks for voting!!

When we got inside, a woman with black hair came up to me, the 3 others said goodbye with wishes that I get into Gryfindor.

"Good evening Miss Serfass. I am professor McGongall, follow me to be sorted."

I followed her into a huge room with five tables. She dropped me off next to a small pile of short kids. One by one they were called up to put on a hat. Finally, it was my turn.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new transfer from America. Please do all that you can to help her out. Serfass, Caitlyn!"

I walked up to the gross dirty hat and put it on my head.

"Good evening Miss Serfass." says the hat. "Now hmmm...You are extremely brave but also witty and sarcastic. You would do well in both Gryfindor and Slytherin."

"Except for the fact that I'm not totally EVIL." I replied smartly.

"Your mouth has chosen for you. SLYTHERIN!"

I heard gasps and looked at Harry, Ron, ad Hermione, who were glaring at me.

"Well EXUSE me!" I said, walking past them. "But it comes with the package."

When I got to the Slytherin table, I had no idea where to sit. They weren't the most atrative people in the world. But then, I saw this hot, darked skinned guy so I sat next to him.

"Hi, I'm Caitlyn Serfass."

"Blaise Zabini." he smiled, not smirked, smiled. "It's cool that your from America. What's it like?"

I LOVE this kid. "Its AWESOME." then I went to describe it more. Later on, I heard an annoyed cough, I looked up and saw Draco. I ignored him and contined to talk. He coughed again. "WHAT??" I asked, annoyed.

"Congrats on making Slytherin." he smirked.

"Can't you ever SMILE like a normal person??" I asked him.

"Ewww Drakie! Why are you talking to HER." said a girl who looked like a dog. Kinda reminded me of Miley Cyrus. Ohh! Burn!! Lol. Just kidding. :D

"What did you say." I asked her menacingly. She backed down.

"Wow. Americans are fiesty!' Blaise laughed.

"I know, I know." I smiled.
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Thanks for the few that voted. LLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEE IT!