Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

My New Best Friend.

After the food came and we we all done eating, I stood up and yawned loudly.

"Come with me, I'll show you to the common room." Blaize offered sweetly.

"Thanks," I replied.

He led me down a bunch of floors to this dark ad creepy hallway.

"These are the dungeons," he explained.

"Yuck. This reminds me of, like, castles and dukes and stuffs." I told him.

"Yeah." he agreed, then faced a portrait of a creepy-looking dude. "Royalty." and the portrait turned into a door.

"Well that was bizarre." I told him, climbing in.

I bid him goodnight, and went up the girls' side. I eventually found my dorm and went in, and flopped on my bed. "I so do not belong in here." I groaned.

"Don't worry." said a voice. "That what I felt when I got sorted. As a matter of fact, I still do. I was all, 'I am SO not evil, and muggles are cool.' and yet here, I am."

I turned around, and saw a pretty brunette with carmel eyes. "Hi," I said, "I'm Caitlyn, but please don't call me that."

She laughed, "You think you have it bad, my name's Annamariah. But don't called me that." we both laughed.

We stayed up half the night, just talking. I swear, the girl's like my other half or some thing, we're that alike.

I think I just me my new best friend.
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yeah, it's kinda slow.