Love With Malfoy's Always Complicated

Yeah, Hi guys.

The next morning, Mariah and I got up, and took turns taking a shower. Turns out, our other roomate was Pansy, but she wasn't there. We decided that since we're so much like already, and the most think opposite about us was our hair, we should dress alike too. We put on white knee high socks with two green ring on the top, white sneakers with two green lines on them(think preppy school girl, bleh) and our plaid green and sparkly silver, just before the knee skirts. We had our white, button up shirts, (not not buttoned up ALL the way) and our green and silver ties. It was too hot for robes so we just put them in our bags.

We put our hair in pigtails, and proceeded out way downstairs.

"You know, tomorrow I'm not doing this whole, preppy school girl thing. I'm picking what we wear next." I tell Maraih, and we laughed on our way down stairs. Down there in the common room, we were greeted by Blaize and Draco. Draco noticed Maraih first.

"Well look if it isn't the Slytherin reject." he sneered, and saw me. "H-Hi Caitlyn." he regained composure.

I walked right up and stomped on his foot, and stormed right out of the room.

"Nice going man." Blaize laughed. Mariah just sniggered and followed me.

"Is he always like that to you?" I asked.

"Most of them are," she sighed, and then perked up. "But I have friends in other houses, like Harry, Ron, and Hermione."

I stopped walking, and laughed. Then continue to tell her how I met Potter and everything. "-and the last time I saw them, they were glaring at me."

"They'll get over it eventually." she assured.When we reached the great hall we got many stares and envious glares.

Mariah stopped me on my way to the Slytherin table, "Yeah, I don't normally sit there. One can only take too many threats."

"So where do you normally sit?" I asked her slowly.

She led me to the Gryfindor table. "Mariah!" I said warningly.

"Hi guys!" She said brightly to the trio.

I stepped out from behind her.

"Yeah, hi guys."
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TWO IN ONE DAY!! It's cause I haven't updated in so long and I'm awesome.