Status: Inactive for lack of motivation and feedback.

The Witch and the Sorcerer

Battle on the Beach

As I rode alongside Loki at a casual walk across the bridge, Loki told me of his appointing the Warrior’s Three and Sif to the throne while we were gone. In hearing this news, I was surprised at him.

“It’s not like I have much of a choice,” Loki said.

“Yes, I know, but I’m just a little shocked. Do you really believe those three can handle it?” I asked.

“I believe they can handle it, Ave. Between the three of them, they can council each other,” he said confidently.

“Yes, but what if it causes a fight between them?” I asked.

“It may. It is a big weight on their shoulders, but I have faith in them, as odd as that sounds coming from me,” he replied.

I smiled and looked down the shimmering path of color to the golden Observatory several yards away.

“I just hope we have a home to come back to when everything is said and done,” I said, casting a glance at the skyline of Asgard over my shoulder.

“I’m not too worried about that,” he said, “I’m sure the Asgardian will rejoice in my absence.”

I looked sadly upon Loki. He would never be able to live up to Odin. His flaws were too well-known. Odin had done some stupid things too, but they had been kept under wraps. That didn’t mean that Loki could not be as good of a ruler as Odin.

“Give it time, sweetheart,” I said softly.

Loki looked up at me, sadness in his eyes.

“They will learn to love you, and you will gain their loyalty. It may take years, but they have to believe in you some time. Just be patient,” I said.

Loki gave me a small smile.

“Though, after news spreads of what I did to that poor servant woman, I’m sure rumors will follow. They probably think we’re teaming up to conduct supreme evil on Asgard or something.”

Loki chuckled.

“Let them think what they will. Either way, they are wrong. The only thing they will be right about is their King teaming up with his wicked love,” he said.

I jumped, accidentally startling Rune as I stared wide-eyed at Loki. He had this smirk slapped across his face and this smoldering look in his eyes. I slowly returned the smirk, my shy side flying out the window.

“You are asking for it,” I warned him.

Loki laughed.

“We are going to cause more trouble than I believe we, or you, tend to cause,” I said.

“It’s not trouble, darling. It’s just mischief,” he said.

I smiled at him and looked up to see that we were standing in the entryway of the Observatory. Loki dismounted and assisted me to ensure I didn’t slip and fall. Then, he took my hand and led me inside where Heimdall was standing. He bowed his head to us.

“Heimdall,” Loki addressed.

“My King. Lady Avery,” Heimdall spoke.

“Have you any news as to the goings on on Midgard. Any news from Thor?” Loki asked.

Heimdall nodded his head once.

“The Avengers have assembled. They are residing in their tower in New York City. Thor is there as well, my King. I have no news to report from him.”

Loki nodded.

“Do tell us if anything changes. I want to know when Avery and I are needed as soon as a problem arises.”

“Of course, my King, but I must warn you. It will not be wise to make a grand entrance on Midgard, as you are so known for,” Heimdall said, a slight smile on his lips.

Loki snorted.

“What fun is that?” he asked.

“Just be warned,” Heimdall said.

Loki gave the gatekeeper a sideways smile.

“I will keep that in mind, Heimdall. I have appointed the Warrior’s Three and Lady Sif to the throne in my absence, as you may already know.”

“I do, my King.”

Loki smiled.

“See that they remain safe, and aid them if necessary,” he said.

Heimdall bowed his head.

“As you wish,” he said.

Loki nodded to the gate keeper, then turned to me.

“We must go train,” he said to me.

I nodded, then looked over at Heimdall.

“Have a good day, Heimdall,” I said.

Heimdall smiled.

“You as well, my lady.”

With that, Loki and I left, knowing another test was in store for me.


“This isn’t working,” I grunted.

“You’re not trying hard enough,” Loki growled.

We were in the arena, a grand stadium like the Colosseum in Rome. It was designed for recreational activities that Asgardians, royal and otherwise, could attend and enjoy themselves on the weekends or during special holidays. On other days, it was a training facility reserved for warriors. Loki had reserved it today for us to practice, preparing for our impending trip to Midgard. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going so well. Neither of us could knock the other on their butt, and Loki’s pushiness was getting on my nerves.

“What the hell do you want me to do, Loki? Turn you into a goat?” I snapped.

Loki released me.

“I’m trying to prepare you!” he shouted.

I gritted my teeth. He wanted to piss me off enough where I would let loose, that way he could force me to focus my powers and use them to my advantage. However, I was just getting frustrated.

“I can keep a lid on my powers, Loki. You’re just pissing me off,” I growled.

Loki’s face fell.

“You can’t unleash my powers, because it’s different with you. It’s aggravation, Loki. Not rage! The only shit that outrages me is when people insult or attack the people I love and care about. Like that woman who insulted you! Right now you’re making me wish I had just kept walking,” I said.

That was low, and I knew it. Loki cast a glance at the ground. My God, I was a wicked bitch!

“Okay, Ave,” he said.

I felt a lump tighten in my chest. Why did I say that?

“Maybe we should take a break,” he said quietly, sad eyes looking up at me.

I bit my lip and pinched the bridge of my nose.

“Loki, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” I said, “This is just frustrating. We’re equal powers. We cancel each other out. The only way we’re going to figure out how to channel my magic is to wing it, and…I know you’re trying so hard to help, but I can’t fight you.”

Loki let out a sharp exhale through his nose and his shoulders dropped.

“I could try to rip your throat out right now, but once I touch you, I just…I can’t. We can’t prepare for something like this. We just have to go for it,” I said.

Loki watched me thoughtfully. He then slowly approached me.

“We seem to always run into this problem,” he said.

I just nodded.

“If we’re playing, it’s one thing, but with intent to kill…” I trailed off.

Loki stepped up to me. I looked up at him and I felt like shrinking. I felt so bad for snapping at him.

“Remember when we were younger,” he said, his voice not at all mad, as he should be, “and we got into that little fight?”

I snorted.

“You mean that knock-down drag-out we had in the dining hall?” I asked.

“I was giving you grief about that circle and angered you. The one you insisted on opening and almost got yourself killed?”

I meekly nodded. I had created a habit out of opening more and more dark circles. This one was one Loki stopped me from right before my attack from the demons.

“You wanted to cause me pain that day. I struck a nerve I know I should have never struck, and you attacked me.”

“But you never hit back. Just tossed me aside so I wouldn’t tear you limb from limb,” I said.

“And then what happened?” he asked.

I swallowed hard.

“I pinned you to the ground and…I couldn’t do it. I wanted to just punch you or…something. I just couldn’t. I can’t hurt you. There’s a mental block,” I said.

Loki smiled kindly, his eyes light and curious.

“I’m not sure if you felt how I felt then, but I could never hurt you, for I loved you too much. I believe that our souls are attached.”

He touched his fingers to my chest, right above my heart and locked his eyes with mine.

“Training kills me, because I can block out the urge to not hurt you. I see the harm I could do in my mind. I cannot fight you either, Avery. This is our weakness, but it can also be our strength. I don’t believe it’s rage that fuels you. It’s your capacity for love, and I’m not trying to be conceited. You can never be truly wicked, as you fear, because you hold to much love for those that matter to you, and that’s your harness. Love balances out the wickedness in you. That’s what has always worked for me. My love for my home, my brother, now matter how much he infuriates me, and you, my darling.”

Loki took my hands in his and kissed my knuckles.

“Tell me. Had you even planned on coming back for me?” I asked, “After everything?”

Loki smiled.

“That was next on my list. Honest. Due to the Dark Elves’ chaos, I had to wait. Had I known you were not safe, I would have come sooner. I just assumed you were safe, Avery.”

I nodded.

“Now that you are here, I’ve been trying to do everything in my power to keep you safe. I don’t want to lose you again, sweetheart. That’s why I’ve been so infuriating. I apologize,” he said.

I gave him a weak smile and pulled him into a hug. His words hit me in my very core. For years, I felt unwanted. Useless. Like a piece of trash that got blown in the wind, scraped by shoes, and smashed by cars. I had forgotten what friendship felt like, and until now, never knew what true love felt like. To be wanted by someone who would go to extreme measures to keep you.

“After what you’ve been through, you didn’t deserve that,” he went on.

“Don’t apologize, Loki. I’m sorry for snapping at you,” I mumbled into his chest.

Loki tightened his arms around me.

“It’s perfectly alright,” he said.

He left a lingering kiss on my hairline.

“I love you, Avery,” he said, his tone light and honest.

That was it for me. My frustration, anger, guilt, and nightmares boiled to a peak and overflowed in the form of tears. Loki just held me tightly, his true, most intimate side fully opening up. In the wake of my fit, I felt honored to share it with him.

“I love you, too, Loki. So much. I really do feel like shit for snapping at you.”

“You are forgiven, darling. Now, no more, Ave. Just take a deep breath, okay?”

Loki tilted his head down and pressed his forehead to mine, holding one hand on the side of my neck. I felt in enveloped in warm, loving energy as Loki involuntarily rocked me from side to side. He kissed me softly, then brushed away the tears with the backs of his fingers.

“There, there. No more tears, okay?”

I nodded and sniffed, composing myself. Loki frowned and shook his head.

“I promise you, Ave, I will try to make things better for you. If I can make one right, it’s to be there for you.”

I couldn’t contain the smile on my face. Loki grinned and tilted my chin up with the crook of his index finger.

“Come on, my pretty,” he said.

I snorted and tried not to laugh at the Wicked Witch of the West reference. He pecked my lips and backed away from me.

“Show me your powers,” he said.

I smirked. Loki summoned Gungnir, Odin’s staff. He held it sideways and spread his legs apart, bracing himself for impact as his determined eyes locked on me, like a lion on it’s target prey. I raised my hands, black smoke billowed from my feet, fading into blood red. I hovered a good eight feet into the air. I held my palms up, fire manifesting on my palms with an obnoxious scraping noise I had yet to fix.

“Let’s tango, trickster,” I said.

I shot fire at Loki. He countered the balls with Gungnir, moving like a well-trained swordsman with a bit of martial arts under his belt. I shot up into the air in a puff of black smoke, laughing like a maniac all the way. When I dive-bombed for Loki, he multiplied and I nearly crashed, skidding and tearing up the grass below my feet. He laughed his ass off at that one. I teleported behind him, easily being able to tell who was the original by sensing his magical signature. I pounced him from behind and blasted us into the air. I flung him up, and he shot green balls of magic at me. I countered them and shot down to the ground, leaving him to free-fall. I landed on my feet and watched as Loki fell, horrified. I held my hands up and whispered a spell that would have his movements in my control. I then gently brought him back down to the ground, face first.

“Did you really think I’d let you fall?” I asked, my hands on my hips.

“I was beginning to believe so,” he replied.

I laughed and helped him stand. I then took his collar and fixed it.

“I have your back. I won’t let you fall,” I said.

Loki smiled warmly.

“It’s good to have my partner back,” he said.

I just grinned like an idiot.

“Can we fly again? You’re much nicer about it than Thor is.”

I laughed and grabbed him.

“Where to?” I asked.

“To the throne room, love,” he said.

With that, we shot off like a rocket of black smoke.

Several days later
Avengers Tower
New York City, NY

On a central floor of what used to be Stark Tower, a makeshift hospital and morgue had been installed for injured Avengers and a place where injured civilians could be quickly treated versus waiting on an ambulance. This was actually the idea of Pepper Potts, and was now in use as a laboratory for Dr. Banner, much to Tony’s disliking.
Dr. Banner, Agent Romanoff, Tony, and Thor were standing around an autopsy table, watching Dr. Banner carefully pick at the carcass of the alien brought in by S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha crossed her arms as she watched on.
“Pretty disgusting, huh?” she asked Banner.

“Mhmm,” he hummed in reply, “Thor, you said Loki had no idea what this thing was?”

Thor shook his head, his thoughts far away from the dead alien as he tried to think of where they could have possibly come from.

“He said he knew not,” he replied.

“Was he lying?” Natasha asked bluntly.

Thor glanced up at her.

“No. This interests him far to much to lie,” he replied.

“How is he, by the way? Loki?” Tony interrupted, his fists down in a bag of trail mix.

Natasha scoffed.

“Stark, how can you eat when this is laying in front of you?” she asked.

Tony looked down at the carcass and shrugged.

“Hmph. I’ve seen worse,” he said, then tossed a mixture of nuts and raisins into his mouth.

Natasha rolled her eyes.

“I wish he did know what this was. Give us a little bit more insight as to what we’re dealing with here,” said Dr. Banner.

“They didn’t seem to have a significant amount of intelligence. They were fast, though,” she said.

“Well, perhaps they won’t be such a great threat,” Banner said, scooping some heart dust into a vial for testing.

Thor jumped suddenly and spun around to face the window.

“We should bring Steve up here to see this. I bet he’d faint right there,” Tony joked.

Thor cautiously walked to the window. He could have sworn he heard something. Some type of animalistic growl in the distance, over the sound of wind and traffic. He peered out the window and thought he saw movement in the distance.

“Stark?” he asked.

He heard Tony move and approach him.

“What’s up?” Tony asked all too casually.

Thor lifted a finger up, pressing it to the glass.

“Do my eyes deceive me, or…”

Tony squinted. Out on the farthest point they could see, a dark mass, all the same color as the corpse on the bed, came moving in like spilt black ink.

“Uh, nope. You’re right,” Tony said, then spun around, “Guys, suit up now! We got incoming.”

Dr. Banner and Natasha’s heads snapped up to look at Tony.

“What?” Natasha asked.

“Call in S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Tony said, he and Thor beginning to walk out the door, “E.T.’s brothers and sisters are coming for him.”

Dr. Banner and Natasha exchanged worried glances.

“Crap,” Banner said, taking his glasses off as he and Natasha followed Tony and Thor out into the hallway.

Tony activated the earpiece in his ear.

“Everyone suit up,” he said, his voice echoing through the tower’s intercom system, “We got about a million little martians coming. Suit up and pack up. Let them overtake the tower to get the body. We’re out of here. Don’t let one touch you.”

“Shoot it in the heart,” Natasha added.

“You really think they’re after the body, Stark?” Dr. Banner asked.

A piece of Tony’s suit flew from out of nowhere and clamped around his thigh.

“Little dudes that can kill you by touch, dead or alive, in a confined space like this? Whether they’re after the body or not, I’m out of here,” he said.

“You’re just going to chicken out?” Steve asked, appearing around the corner, yanking his mask down.

“You’re going with me, Cap,” he said.

“Where are we going, exactly?” Natasha asked, “If those things are headed this way, someone is going to have to fight them off before they kill civilians.”

“That’s what S.H.I.E.L.D. is for. Don’t worry, Romanoff. I have a plan,” Tony replied.

“It better be a good one,” Steve said.

As they jogged down the stairs, Thor glanced outside and noticed a dark storm building in the sky, a feeling of dread blowing in with it. War was about to begin, and he feared that New York did not stand a fighting chance.



The voice was distant, as if I were underwater. Knowing I was dreaming, I didn’t respond.

“Avery, wake up.”

It was Loki’s voice. There was no doubting that.

I grabbed my covers, pulled them to my chin, and rolled away from him.

“I’ll skip breakfast today. Just give me another hour,” I grumbled.

Loki groaned and rolled me back over.

“Avery, wake up now!” he demanded.

I peeled my eyes open to see a pair of worried blue eyes looming over me.

“What’s going on?” I asked, stretching.

“We don’t have much time. Those aliens that landed on Midgard, there’s a swarm of them heading for New York. We have to go.”

My jaw dropped.

“Shit!” I hissed.

I tossed off my covers, accidentally smacking Loki with them as I tore out of bed.

“I’ll meet you in the entry hall,” he said.

“No time,” I said.

Loki stared at like I was crazy. I held my hands up, my newly arrived armor shooting out of the wardrobe and morphing to me. My armor was very similar to Loki’s. Completely black, silver braces, platelets, and lining. It was made out of impenetrable leather, metal, and a substance similar to plastic on the breastplate. The top closed asymmetrically, like that of a Midgardian biker’s jacket. Slim fitting. Less restrictive than I thought it would be, but still hard to breathe in. The pants were also leather, intricate pieces around the knees and platelets surrounding my exposed areas, and they fit like a glove. For extra protection, I requested a jacket to match. It was made out of the same leather, plates of ornate silver metal, and ended at the knee.
Loki smirked.

“I wonder where that idea came from,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes and summoned a wooden box from the bottom of my wardrobe. It flew over to the bed and popped open. I grabbed a bracelet from the bottom and took one of Loki’s hands, placing it in his palm. He looked from the dark gray ring of metal to me, confused.

“Put that on and swear to me you won’t take it off, Loki,” I ordered.

He nodded and slipped it over his right hand.

“It will protect you. I don’t want you getting killed out there.”

I shut the box and shrunk it to the size of a penny. I placed it in my pocket and walked over to the balcony doors, opening them.

“Come on,” I said to Loki.

Loki jogged over to me.

“Hold on to me,” I ordered.

Loki put an arm around my waist. I knew when I had the chance, I would have to teach him how to fly. I grabbed his arm and shot us out of the palace and to the Observatory.
When we landed, Loki missed his footing and stumbling. I grabbed him before he could go down.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Loki just nodded and took my hand, tugging me into the Observatory.

“They are minutes from being overpowered,” Heimdall said.

Loki nodded.

“Send us there, Heimdall.”

Heimdall nodded and drove his staff into the platform. The Observatory spun around us.

“Stay right by my side, Avery. I can’t risk losing you,” he murmured.

I looked over at him, not missing the small flutter in my chest. He frowned and gave my hand a tight squeeze before we were enveloped in light.

Secluded beach on the Atlantic coast

“Stark!” Steve barked as he took out an alien with his shield.

Tony, clad in his Iron Man suit, flew over the Captain and took out ten aliens at once.

“Kinda busy, Cap,” he replied.

“I thought you said they wouldn’t find us here!” Steve shouted.

Right as he took out another alien, an arrow flew by him and blew out the heart of an alien who had snuck up on him. Clint appeared beside him and the Hulk blew through a group, bones shattering and raining down in the wet sand. Their powers of instant death seemed futile on him.

“They must be out for revenge,” Natasha spoke through her earpiece.

Thor flew down from the sky, using the incoming storm as an advantage, and electrocuted a large chunk of the swarm, leaving the Avengers with some time. In the distance, more were coming in. The Avengers gathered around each other.

“We can’t take them all,” Clint said.

“Well, where’s S.H.I.E.L.D.?” Tony asked.

“They’re coming in,” Natasha said.

“They better hurry,” Steve said.

“Barton is right,” Thor said, “They will reach us before S.H.I.E.L.D.”

The Avengers remained silent. Tony shot into the air, looking over the incoming swarm.

“We’re hopelessly outnumbered, guys. These guys are bigger, too,” he said.

He hovered back down to the sand.

“So, what do we do?” Clint asked.

No one had an answer.


Loki was ripped away from me during flight. Whether it was his own doing, or by the sheer force of shooting through Earth’s atmosphere, I was not sure. Whatever the reason, I had to do what I had to do. I aimed myself, shrouded myself in magic, and pierced through the clouds. There was a head-splitting crack as I plummeted towards the Earth. I aimed myself for a building’s rooftop. Engulfed in fire, I’m sure I looked like a meteor. NASA, and no doubt S.H.I.E.L.D. would be all over this. At the moment, I didn’t care. I was focused on controlling my landing. Too much force, and I could destroy the building. Too little, and I could hurt myself.
Through the fire, I saw a tornado of gray clouds and rainbow light spinning towards me. I didn’t have much time to react. A pentacle of fire ignited on the rooftop, marking my landing spot. I braced myself. The tornado met me right as I landed, creating a small crater in the roof. The base of the tornado went up in flames. I stood inside the crater, frantically searching for Loki as the fire spun around me. I held my hands up and extinguished it. Loki was kneeling before me, having just landed. How I wish I could have taken a picture!

“Now who’s kneeling?” I teased.

Loki looked up at me and gritted his teeth, giving me that “when we get home, God help you” look.

“Avery, now is not the time for your jests. We need to figure out our location,” he said.

Loki stood and looked around. I turned to see small explosions and bursts of light emitting from the west. Bodies of bones were flying left and right, either exploding by gunshot, crushed to pieces, or vaporized. I immediately recognized the creatures as demons—demons I knew to be extinct.

“My God,” Loki breathed out.

“Those are definitely demons,” I said.

Loki watched as Iron Man flew up and destroyed a larger one.

“Just what I feared. They’re minions for someone. The question is, who?”

I nodded in agreement.

“Someone who apparently knew how to bring back the dead. No doubt they have something to do with the portals. That must be how they’re traveling,” I said.

“That’s what I was thinking, as well, Ave. Creating portals between Realms to take out the races that dwell there,” he said.

“But why?” I asked.

He gave me an unamused smirk.

“World domination, perhaps?”

I rolled my eyes. Loki huffed and looked back out onto the battle with a troubled look in his eyes.

“It’s only a matter of time before they find their way into Asgard,” he said solemnly.

I nodded.

“So we need to take them out now. As much as the two of us despise this Realm, it’s not disposable,” I said.

“You’re right about that,” he said, “As much as I hate to admit it.”

“So what is our plan? There’s not much space to work in. Sand or water,” I said.

Loki crossed his arms over his chest and surveyed the battle. The Avengers were stuck in the middle of the beach, completely surrounded in demons. They were soon to be overwhelmed, and the sight worried me.

“Can we take them? Will we be any help at all?” I asked worriedly.

Loki’s eyes darted from demon to Avenger and back.

“You see their hearts, Ave? Those glowing orange orbs inside their ribcages?” he asked, pointing to a larger demon screaming down at a screaming Hulk.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“That’s your kill shot,” he said.

“What do you think it’s pumping? That can’t be blood,” I said curiously.

Loki shook his head.

“Something of wholly evil, I’m sure. Nevertheless, that’s their life source,” he said, “Avoid the dust.”

“The dust won’t hurt you,” I said.

Loki jumped and looked down on me with a raised eyebrow.

“How can you know that?” he asked.

I pointed out to the demon swarm.

“These demons were of Niflheim. Thought to be extinct. This branch of demons, anyway. They are made of pure death, save for their hearts. Their hearts are life, and its been used in apothecaries and witchcraft to revive the dead, or save someone from the brink of death.”

“Have you used it?” he asked.

I shook my head. Loki sighed and looked from me to the battle.

“We may today,” he said, “Avery, I want you to listen very carefully. Think of the deadliest, most penetrable curse you can. When I say so, cast it at me.”

“What?” I squeaked in horror.

Loki groaned and took me by the shoulders. He leaned down, connecting his eyes with mine.

“Cast it at me. I will multiply and send it everywhere at once. It should be effective enough to take out most, if not all of the demons,” he said.

“Loki, what if I kill you?” I asked.

Loki pressed his hand to my chest plate. A flash of light shot from it, but nothing happened. He straightened, looking slightly proud of himself.

“What?” I asked, a little annoyed.

“That should have killed you, Ave,” he said.

I looked down at myself, then back up to him. His eyes were wide, but his expression was calm and relieved.

“I cannot kill you, love. You said it before. Our powers cancel each other out. You could not kill me if you wanted to,” he said.

I took a deep breath. I couldn’t kill Loki, which to me, was amazing news. However, this meant I could only take out powers lower than mine.

“Let’s hope these demons are weak,” I said.

Loki nodded.

“Stay near me, okay?” he asked.

I nodded. Loki nodded once and looked out onto the losing battle.

“Can you fly us over there?” he asked.

I smirked.

“Can you take a little heat, Scarecrow?” I teased.

Loki grinned.

“Fly, Witch,” he said.

I laughed and grabbed him shooting off of the roof and to the battle in a plume of smoke, which quickly turned into a blazing ball of fire. Loki curled into me, ready to spring away. The Avengers looked up to see the fire and bolted. We landed where the once stood, both of us landing on our feet, standing back to back. There was a collective gasp from the Avengers.

“Loki,” someone breathed.

Loki chuckled darkly.

“Miss me?” he asked.

As soon as spoke, a demon screamed. I reached behind me, grabbed Loki, and sent him airborne. I cast the curse at Loki, fearing it would rip him to shreds. However, he multiplied into an uncountable amount of him, splitting the curse and sending it into the hearts of the surrounding demons. One near Loki shrieked and fell towards him. I cast a spell on Loki and yanked him safely to the sand.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about me. Go!” he ordered.

I turned away from him and began attacking the demons on my right, taking them out without much effort. Loki sent daggers flying, but what the daggers didn’t attack, his magic did. Surprisingly, I was having a blast. These demons were easy. With glowing hearts as easy targets, I took them out with little effort. However, in having fun, my wicked side kicking in full throttle, I neglected to pay attention to my backside.
A skeletal hand the size of a car came down on me. I screamed and fell back, tripping over a rock and landed in the cold, wet sand. The demon caged me underneath his fingers and leaned down to me. I felt coldness wash over me. Bitter cold that made Jotunheim feel like a summer vacation in Cozumel, Mexico. My body felt numb, save for my head, which exploded with a splitting headache and my stomach cramped up. My body usually reacted to the energy of the dead, but not to this extent. I felt dizzy, not to mention full of all consuming hate. The demon leaned down to me, his face a few yards from mine. His head was all skull, dark blue in color with cracks. Aged like a bone left out in the sun. Its eyes were glowing orange, and transparent, so you could see the fluids and inner workings inside. It’s teeth were a dark gray, and every single one of them were as sharp was an ice pick. Its canines were much larger, like that of a sabertooth tiger or a vampire.
It gazed down at me for a moment before it opened its mouth and screamed. My headache became unbearable and I also began screaming. The noises coming from it were unholy, and the frequency of the sound I’m sure could not be heard by the others. The dead speak at a higher vibration than the living, and unfortunately, I was the only one to hear it. It screamed loud enough to wake every dead body in Midgard, and its energy was soaking up mine, leaving me useless and defenseless.
Suddenly, Thor was swinging Mjolnir away at the creature, and freed me from its icy energy and the agonizing pain in my head, chest, and stomach. Loki appeared above me, his hands immediately on my face.

“Are you okay, Avery? What did it do to you? Speak to me, darling,” he said frantically.

I wiped the tears that had been created from the pain.

“I’m okay,” I croaked out.

I did not feel okay, though. I felt terrible. Drained. A sense of hopelessness and loss around me. A sense of unexplainable fear. All side effects of the dead, and I knew this, but it was still easy to believe as reality.

“You’re not, Ave. Come here,” he said.

I put my arms around his neck as he scooped me up and held me in his lap. I curled against him.

“Are you injured?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“Good,” he breathed, sounding relieved.

Loki cradled the back of my head against his chest.

“Just take deep breaths, love.”

“Did we do it?” I asked.

“They’re gone. Now stay calm,” he said.

I nodded. Behind us, we heard several clicks of guns being cocked, as well as the high-pitched noise of a pulser on Stark warming up. Loki and I looked up to see a group of people in black uniforms with their guns pointed at us, with Stark at the front with a glowing hand raised.

“Shit,” I whispered.

Loki snarled.

“Thor, take her,” he said.

Thor came to my side. Loki helped me up and put me in Thor’s care before approaching the armed group.

“Are you okay?” Thor whispered, putting a massive arm around my shoulder.

“I’m fine, thank-you,” I replied, then turned to watch Loki every so calmly approach Stark.

“Is this my warm welcome?” he asked.

“You should be in prison,” a red-headed woman growled.

“Or dead,” a man beside her with a bow and arrow added.

Loki just smiled.

“Yet here I am,” he said smoothly.

“Not for long,” Stark said, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Loki stiffened.

“Saving your life,” he said.

“Uh no! That’s not why you’re here,” Stark said.

Loki snorted.

“I have just as much business here as you, Stark. It is my duty to help protect this Realm. After all, I have inherited the throne of Asgard,” he said.

“How in the hell…?” Stark looked to Thor, “Why isn’t he in prison where he belongs? You guys just put prisoners on the throne?”

“Loki risked his life to save myself, Jane Foster, and Asgard in the last war with the Dark Elves. He is not the Loki you once saw,” he replied.

“Bullshit!” Stark snapped, “The Loki I know killed thousands of people just to take over Earth. That’s not redeemable by any means. You’ve come back for vengeance.”

“You don’t know what I’ve been through!” Loki roared, “I’ve walked the Seven Circles of Hell. Been to places I never want to see again. The Chitauri used me, possessed me. What you saw was not me! That was the Chitauri! Barton, you’ve been under the spell of the Tesseract. You know what it’s like. To have your mind taken over by something you cannot control. To kill or be killed. I was a pawn in that war! Used to give the Chitauri a Realm to rule over. Had I a failed, I would have been killed! I would have known something worse than death, so I did what I had to to survive. So don’t you accuse me. I mean your people no harm. These demons are appearing all over the Nine Realms. I mean to help. That’s all.”

Stark’s face plate lifted to reveal the livid billionaire.

“What makes you think I would trust you?” he asked lowly.

Loki raised his hands in the air.

“I do not ask for your trust, but its obvious you need my help. Am I wrong?” he asked.

Stark sighed and lowered his hand.

“We don’t need your help,” the man called Barton said, “Why would we want it? You are nothing more than a terrorist, and you have three seconds before I shoot you point blank. Right here. Right now.”

That was it for me. With the last of my energy, I transported myself between Loki and the mob of angry Avengers.

“How dare you!” Loki snarled at Barton.

I pressed a hand to Loki’s chest, stopping him from attacking the man with the arrow.

“You touch him and I’ll kill you,” I threatened Barton.

“Oh God, there’s two of them,” Stark complained.

“Loki will not hurt any of you,” I said, loud enough for all to hear, “We mean to help.”

“And who are you? His bodyguard?” Stark asked.

“I’ve had enough of your mouth!” Loki snarled.

I cast a spell, sending Loki flying backwards. The Avengers looked impressed.

“I’m Avery,” I said, “I’m Midgardian. I live in Asgard. I’m a witch. I’m his girlfriend. I’m not quite sure how old I am, and I mean you no harm. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

Stark sighed and looked over at Loki. I looked over my shoulder to see him stand and dust himself off.

“He won’t hurt anyone. Look at his eyes. Those aren’t Chitauri eyes. Those are his. We’re all in the same boat with the demons. As much as you may hate it, you need our help,” I said.

Stark nodded.

“Okay, fine. We’ll give you two one chance, but—“

“If I betray you, you’ll kill me?” Loki asked, then laughed, “Where have I heard that before?”

Thor glared daggers at his brother.

“Loki, stop it,” he said, “Let them help. They know these demons, and they may be our only chance.”

The Avengers exchanged unsure glances.

“Fine,” Stark said, “One chance.”

Loki bowed his head.

“Thank-you,” he said.

Stark seemed surprised. I tried to laugh, but as I did, I felt dizzy and stumbled backwards. Loki caught me before I could lose my balance. I clutched his arm tightly, my world spinning.

“What’s wrong, love? Talk to me,” he said.

“She needs to see a doctor,” said a man I recognized as Captain America.

“Yeah, we need to get her back to the tower,” Stark said.

“It’s just residual demonic energy,” I whispered.

“You need to be cleansed,” Loki said.

“I’ll drive,” the red-headed woman said, “Let’s load up. S.H.I.E.L.D. will be here soon, and we’ll never leave.”

“I agree with you there, Romanoff,” Stark said, “I’ll meet you guys at the tower.”

They nodded.

“Hold on to me,” Loki said.

I put my arms around his shoulders. Loki bent his knees and picked me up, holding one arm around my midsection and the other around my legs.

“Loki, I’ve never seen her like this,” I heard Thor murmur.

“Should I call a doctor?” the red-headed woman asked.

“Not necessary,” Thor spoke, “Loki is as good of a healer as anyone.They just need a quiet room.”

“That can be arranged,” she replied.

After that, I blacked out.


Thor stood in the hall with an unsuited Tony Stark, keeping their distance as they glanced into the room set up for Avery. She and Loki were standing in the doorway, Loki holding her tightly in his embrace, dark clouds of magic floating out from Avery’s feet as he used his magic to flush the dark energy out of her system. Tony watched on, not sure what to make of what he was watching. He had never seen, much less imagined the trickster, the root of his anxiety problems, be so affectionate. He held the smaller woman with all the care in the world, rubbing circles into her back, whispering kind words, gently holding her hand as residual pain rolled through her.

“He’s changed?” Tony asked Thor.

“He has,” Thor agreed, “He’s lost so much these passed few years. Our father took Avery from him. Banished her for being promiscuous, when she was merely spending time with Loki and nothing more. She was known for being evil in the passed, but our mother broke of her of that before it was too late. Then, of course, my banishment, and Father’s disowning Loki. While Loki was in prison, our mother died. Loki helped me fight the war with the Dark Elves, then promised he would leave forever to mourn for Mother in peace. Fate had other ideas, and I refused the throne, letting Loki take it. So far, he has been a noble King, and now he has one part of his life back.”

Tony watched on, nodding.

“He has a purpose now,” Thor said, “He won’t harm anyone.”

Tony looked up at the God of Thunder with a raised eyebrow.

“Have faith in him,” Thor said before turning away.

Tony looked back to see Loki kiss his shaking girlfriend’s forehead. It made him think of Pepper, and no matter what turmoil he was going through, she always grounded him. After seeing Avery knock Loki to the ground, it gave him a twinge of hope that the Silver-tongued God of Mischief could be trusted. He was aware of Loki’s powers, and he hoped that by gaining Loki as an ally, they would gain a powerful asset.
♠ ♠ ♠
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