Do You Still Love Me

I need help

Ok,as I said in an earlier author note, I said I would have at least 10 more chapters...
Well I was doing a lot of thinking, and I have tons of plots in my mind. And writing them would be like a second story in one. So I was wondering if all you loyal readers would like me to start a third story? All about Emma's 9 months (maybe 9 xD )

If I added all my ideas to this, it would go on so long. PLEASE comment your opinion. And I have 40 subscribers. Wow! What the fudge?? ONLY 40?? Jeez you guys, get some friends into the story. But it is better then the first story, which was only 21, unless you unsubscripted when it was done. I do that a lot too. No worries.

Ok, so instead of it being a whole NEW story, it would be more like the next chapter but on another story. So it is completely continued. The 5 month tour hadn't even started! Or was it 6???

COMMENT! BITTE BITTE! With answers. I expect at least 10!!! What do you think, huh?