In the Days of Hellscream

The Naga

Farrok screams, frozen in fear as the large, scaly monster raises its spear above her head. Mentally, she begs her legs to move, to make her run down the beach away from this creature. Like a snake, the Naga are covered in scales, but have fully functional arms and hands, strong facial features, and razor sharp spines protruding from their backs. It is the most terrifying thing Farrok has ever seen, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t make herself run away. Her body trembles and her breathing becomes labored as it hisses as her.

Just as he begins to bring his spear down, an arrow pierces the Naga’s eye, causing it to twists in pain and release a blood-curdling screech. Farrok covers her hears, attempting to protect them from the deafening noise. She looks around as the Naga falls over and steps over its lifeless body when she sees her sister, Vartokk, running down the beach toward her, bow in hand.

Collapsing into her sister’s arms, Farrok begins to sob uncontrollably, stifling the profuse thank yous she tries to sputter at Vartokk. She is dazed and can barely bring herself back to reality when Vartokk holds her at arm’s length and tells her to warn Vol’jin of the Naga invasion. Nodding her head to show her momentary vague perception of Vartokk’s words, she then runs off in the direction of Vol’jin’s hut.
Still on the beach, Vartokk looks out into the water. This Naga was just one of many. She can sense it, and as she stands in the sand, bow and arrow at the ready, her senses are confirmed. She sees the ripples, few at first but rapidly increasing in numbers, disrupting the calm ocean water and nearing the shore at a neck-breaking pace.

Za’tarri and Zuni approach the shore and stand beside Vartokk, swords brandished and ready for the first real battle life has brought their way.