In the Days of Hellscream

Never To Let Love In

Drums sound through the air, not unlike the ones Vartokk heard just the night before. She thinks back to her training, and how supportive Zuni was during the whole thing. He was her rock through everything. Even when so many villagers shunned her because of her father’s betrayal, Zuni stood by her side, their friendship stronger than ever. Now, she helps carry his body, wrapped in cloth and placed on a stretcher made with animal hide bound to long wooden branches. Placing him in one of the many boats lining the shore, Vartokk climbs in with Vanira, Vol’jin, and Za’tarri. Her mother steps forward, pushing the boat out into the water toward Sen’jin Village where Zuni’s ceremony will take place.

Remaining on Darkspear Isle with Farrok, Zerttraz looks out over the water after her daughter. Blowing a kiss into the wind, she waves to her, hoping she will return home; but she knows the day’s painful event will drive her to leave Sen’jin Village come morning.

Tears streaming steadily for her eyes, Vartokk looks back at her mother. Seeing the wistful smile on her face, she knows Zerttraz thinks she will leave. Vartokk tries to believe she will return home, but knows she must face the harsh realization that she may never go back. She intends to leave, busying herself with the tasks of war, moving forward with a hardened heart.

Zar’jira was right, Vartokk thinks, her breath catching in her throat as she looks down at Zuni’s covered body, In this world, you can’t let love in. Ever.
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I know it's short, but the next one is longer :). One comment and I won't wait a week to post then next one. It's already written :P