In the Days of Hellscream

Walk Alone

By the time the sun begins creeping above the horizon, Vartokk is already awake, gathering her things in preparation for the climb ahead of her. Taking a moment to swallow the anxiety that forms a lump in her throat, she tries to slow the panicked beating of her heart. She knows the walk up the path will be strenuous, a test of her emotional strength.

“Strength,” she scoffs, “because I’ve had so much of dat lately.”

“Ya can’t be too hard on yaself, Var,” Vanira comes up behind her, “I know what happened yesterday wasn’t ya fault an’ I’m sorry I made dat accusation. I know my son loved ya and ya love him.”

Taking a long pause, Vanira takes a deep breath, fighting the tears that now sting her eyes, “Dat is why I won’t be goin’ with ya taday. There is a part in the final stages of Zuni’s burial ceremony ya should be alone for, just as I was with his fatha.”

Vanira places a hand on Vartokk’s should and pulls gently, encouraging her to turn. Complying, Vartokk faces her and sees the wistful smile on her face. Vartokk closes her eyes and nods, accepting the offer to walk the path alone. When she opens her eyes again, Vanira’s lips pull tight against her tusks as her mouth turns up into a smile. Tears begin to slide down her cheeks as she walks away.

“Vanira,” Vartokk calls after Vanira, causing her to stop and turn her head, “thank you.”

Smile growing wider, Vanira turns and walks out of the room.

Looking down at the items she carries, Vartokk takes a deep breath to calm her nerves before looking out at Sen’jin Village. From the inn’s door she can see the entire village: fishermen unloading their early morning catches on the shore, the bat handler sending travelers away, children playing in the cool water of the pond… Everyone is carrying out their daily routines as though nothing happened. Tears spring to Vartokk’s eyes as a white hot flash of anger burns inside of her. Their laughter strikes a nerve, and their casual conversation fuels the fire.

How can everyone be so happy? Vartokk thinks, People died – Zuni died – and they carry on as though nothing even happened.

“Dey can’t all mourn forever, Vartokk,” Vol’jin’s voice startles her. Turning around, she sees the somber expression on his face and takes comfort in knowing she is not the only one who damns this beautiful day.

“Why not?” she seethes, looking down at Zuni’s urn, “I will.”

Vol’jin’s face twists as though Vartokk’s words hurt him physically. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he says, “I be prayin’ ya wrong, Vartokk. I be hopin’ happiness will find its way inta ya heart again. Now ya must be goin’.”

Vol’jin leads Vartokk to the foot of the desert path where he leaves her with a hug and an encouraging smile. Standing alone, she feels the anxiety and despair swell inside of her again. Looking behind her, she considers asking Vol’jin to join her, but just as she opens her mouth, the wind picks up, choking her with dry desert air. Turning away from the wind, she begins her journey up the steep mountain.