Overpower Past with Future Love

Finally Noticed

February 13th, the day before the worst holiday of the year. Jasmine Valentines hated the crucial day her last name was created after. She wondered the school with her nose in a book, as usual. Someone tapped on her shoulder. She saved the spot with her thumb and turned around to find Tyler the hottest guy in school. She looked at him a little frightened but then he flashed her a bright white smile. 'Oh dear lord,' she thought to herself as she began making like hot butter. "Hi, Jasmine, tomorrow is um the Valentines Day dance and I wanted to know if maybe you would like to go.... With me?" She lost all words and nodded wildly, he smiled and kissed the temple of her forehead before walking off. Tess, her best and only friend ran up to her "oh my god did he just kiss you?!" She squeal grabbing her hands and jumping up and down. "He asked me to the dance, why me? I'm gross," she stopped and scolded "you are not gross youre lucky he doesnt like any girl and when he does he tries to do anything to get with them maybe he likes you," Jasmine's face burned in embarrassment. She saw Tyler again. He smiled and waved at her his bottom lip slightly bit and his cheeks a flush pink. "I dont think I'm ready to date though, maybe just some other time," she said. And went off to her Chemistry class. "Alright class take a seat, we have a new student coming into our class, and let's just make him feel welcomed into it. Come on in Tyler," Mrs. Lavigne waved in, once he entered girls were screaming and jumping up And down. He looked at one in particular the one with her eyes latched onto her writing. "You can take the seat next to Jasmine," once she heard her name she looked up to see what was going on. She saw Tyler heading her way her eyes widened, she heart increased goose bumps took over her smooth skin, her mouth dropped a little. Her face was then on fire. He loved it when she was shy he thought it was the most adorable thing ever. He took a seat "hi Jasmine, I didn't know you Were in AP classes," she nodded a little frightened. "Um d-di -did y-you ch-change yyour schedule o-or something?" He smiled seeing how hard she was trying to get words to come out of her mouth. "Yeah yeah I did my classes were too simple," She opened her mouth to speak again but Clarissa interrupted. "Hey Tyler I didn't know you were coming here, I missed you so much, we hardly talk anymore," she said grazing her hand over his. Clarissa was a beautiful girl yeah she was but she wasnt for Tyler, she liked him for his looks, well everyone did but he just wants someone who doesnt want to get in his pants daily and just give him stupid nicknames. He wants someone to be steady with him and just be there when he needed her so he can love her and treat her with respect and care. Jasmine was the perfect match for him. She was sweet, sensitive, shy, beautiful, funny, just in all ways perfection. It took him a while for her to even notice him and it drove him crazy and now that he's got her attention he's going to try to make his way in. But it was going to be harder than he thought, Jasmine wasn't an open book, easy access, she was padlocked, coded and saved. That's what make him like her even more is that she was a challenge and wasn't easy like the entire school. Clarissa continued to flirt with him only making Jasmine jealous cause she can't hold a conversation she can't flirt she can't do anything attractive. She wants to know why he asked her to the dance. "So Tyler, wanna go to the dance together, cutest couple entering you know," she said biting her lip. "No I already have a date," he said glancing at Jasmine who was drawing. "She won't have to know, just ditch her for me, I'm way better than any other girl in school," he was disappointed in what he heard, how can anyone be damn conceded? "No this girl is the one I want officially, I WANT to make her feel special I want her to go to the dance with me, not anyone else not even you. Look Clarissa you're beautiful and All but youre not the one for me," she furrowed her eyebrows "who are you taking to the dance then?" He smiled and looked at Jasmine who was staring at him asking herself if he said that was real or just her imagination. "Jasmine," he said, her gaze now into his big gray eyes. "Why her? I'm prettier, I'm smarter I have straight B's and C's I'm funner I'm more talkative I'm more social," Jasmine looked at her "I'm smarter cause you cheat off my tests to get an A on them praying your grade will go up, I have straight A's," she said clearly Clarissa became frustrated and hmphed at her true comment "Oh Clarissa stay after class will you?" Mrs. Lavigne said making her sighh and go to a different seat. "Was that for reals?" She asked him. "Hmm?" She looked down at her hands "what you told Clarissa... About me, the whole wanting to make me feel special and stuff," he smiled not thinking she was listening he is excited to see shes noticing him for reals "If I didn't I wouldnt have said it," Her face burned really hot, making his smile spread even wider. "By the way, you are so adorable when you are shy," she threw her head down and covered her face with the sleeves of her jacket. He lifted her head up and grabbed her hands moving them away from her cherry red face. "I-is is-" "Shhhh, relax Jasmine its just me," the bell rang and she got up and sprinted out to find Tess. "TESS!" she yelled before slamming into her "oh my god why are you so red?!" She caught her breath "You were right he likes me I dont know what to do, I sprinted out of the classroom and he held my hands and said I'm adorable when I'm shy and oh My goddd, I dont know if I can do this I'm meant to be alone!" Her eyes welled up in frightened tears as horrible thoughts came into mind, she began shaking. "Jasmine breathe it'll be alright he likes you. Here after school we'll go to the mall and buy you a dress and tomorrow i'll so your hair and make up before he picks you up," she took in deep breaths trying to calm down "okay okay I'm calm I'm calm," Tess smiled and pointed behind her. "Hi I'm Tess, Jasmine's friend," she grabbed ahold of someone's muscular toned hand. Jasmine turned around and was pushed into Tyler "I'm i'm sorry," she said trying to pull away but the hallway was officially crowded. She took in another breattg through her nose and she smelt cookies and sweet chocolate. Mmmm she hummed aloud. He smiled as he noticed she smelt him, he smelled her too she smelt like strawberries and vanilla and tropical fruit. Take it slow he reminded himself she'll push you away if you go too fast. The hallway slowly cleared and they went to their next class. The day went by quickly for both of them as their thoughts of each each other rampaged their minds. Tess and Jasmine went to the mall where Jasmine tried on thousands of different dressed finally ending up with a white strapless dress with rose petal design on the bottom. Tess bought make up and hair stuff for her. Tess took her home and got started on the blonde highlights for Jasmine's dark brown hair. She cut her bangs so they perfectly crossed her face showing her eyes. She fixed her eyebrows and ordered prescription contacts online. She put in a relaxer so her hair would be back to its soft shiny fixed form. She cut about a yard off of her hair so it was then to her mid back. "There your hair is done now waxing time," Tess waxed her legs, arms, upper lip, chin, cheeks, wherever she missed for the eyebrows, her back, and sideburns. "Well that really hurt," Tess nodded "I know it does, now I'm going to put a facial on so your skin can glow tomorrow," she placed the mix on her face and they watched movies the rest of the night. Once school was finished for Tyler he went straight to practice. "Yo Tyler, I heard you turned down Clarissa. Nice man nice," he nodded "Who you taking to the dance?" Peter asked, Tyler smiled knowing their reactions to his answer. "Jasmine Valentine," their jaws dropped and smiles spread just a few moments later "YOU FINALLY GOT HER BRO?! Damn did she actually notice you for once?" He nodded "Proud, she even spoke to you?" He nodded "She also smelled me, she likes my scent," Austin patted his back "Youre such a freak.. Dude you got a corsage and a tux for tomorrow," his jaw dropped and he ran his hands through his hair "Shit no, damn it," everyone surrounded him "Dude let just all go to the mall right now Coach isn't even going to show he's to busy banging a random teacher," they laughed a and went on their way. They went into the Prom shop where they saw Tess and her. Tyler saw the top of her head and his in the rack he saw her in a dress. It was pink and went right above her knees, she wore heels showing her black polished toes. 'So thats WHAT her legs look like, they're fine long legs, that shined in the light perfectly tan. Her arms were exposed too thousands of little scars on her forearm other than that he was amazed at what she his underneath skinny jeans and a big jacket. Austin took him out of the rack and snuck him out leaving Tess socializing with Peter, and everyone else left earlier. "I got the suit and the corsage I hope she likes white and red." He said draping his arm over Tyler's shoulder. Tyler went home and hung up his new tuxedo neatly in his closet. He washed his face and brushed his teeth before taking off his clothes leaving him in his boxers. He plopped down in bed and fell asleep. He woke up and got ready put on a crimson red t-shirt with white jeans that completed his red and white vans. He gelled his hair and brushed his teeth. Grabbing his bag and his car key he left buying a dozen roses and chocolate with raspberry filling. He got to school and waited to see her. He saw her and his jaw dropped, she wore white shorts and a red loose tank top her dirty white sneakers made her her. Her hair was shorter and glossier she wore lip gloss and her glasses went missing. She wore eyeliner and red eye-shadow that complemented her electric blue eyes. 'Oh my god slow and steady sloow and steady,' she looked flawless her tan cheeks gave off a pink radiant glow. He grabbed the flower and chocolates and walked over to her hiding them behind his back. "Hey," he said "Hi," she replied. He took out the roses and chocolates "Happy Valentines Day Jasmine, you look beautiful as always," she smiled and he almost fell to her bright white beautiful smile. "Thank you, they're beautiful and look delicious," she put the chocolates in her back pack by is he so perfect and so sweet? My god this is so hard. They went off, she laced her fingers in his and took him to her locker. Where she took out a stuffed animal with a lollipop and a card. "Happy Valentines Day to you too," she smirked even though she completely hated the day she wanted to do this out of kindness, she might have even wrote her personal feelings for him. Hopefully it doesn't push him away. He read the card and turned completely pink with a giant smile patched onto his face. He wrapped His arms around her and kissed her cheek. The bell rang "See you in class okay?" She nodded and he ran off to his locker. He got to his locker and opened it up putting his stuff in it taking out his books he put the teddy bear in there too so where it would greet him every time he opened his locker. He closed it shut and jumped startled by his teammate standing right next to his locker. "Hey man, why so happy?" He asked.