Status: Still under work. Expect lots of quick releases, then a slow-down on release times. Maybe only a chapter every month.

One Man's Actions

Chapter Eighteen

Quickening my pace and my grip, I rushed down the hall, headed toward a loud banging sound. Dodging past a body, I turned a corner, cutter up with its light shining down the hall. Halfway to the next intersection, one of those things was throwing itself into a door, frenzied in an attempt to gain entry to the room. I could hear faint screaming from the room.
Letting the held charge in my cutter go, I crept towards the monstrosity, fists clenched tightly. As soon as the creature noticed me, I sprang forward, smashing it’s head against the wall while pushing my leg behind its own, tripping it. Hitting the ground, the abomination flailed violently, arms coming within inches of me. Stepping back from it, I quickly shot off a few rounds from my cutter, ending the creature’s “life” instantly.
Turning my attention towards the door, I tried opening it, with no success. “Hey, open up! I’m human!”
The door slid open, and, like I had suspected, the woman from before was standing in the frame. The only difference between then and now was the large wound on her midsection.
Before another word was spoken, she spit up a small amount of blood, falling against me. Shocked, I quickly scanned the hall, and pulled her back into the room with my cutter drawn and ready. In the corner of the room was a large, open vent, which I blocked off as soon as I had laid the woman down. Checking the rest of the room, I found no signs of one of those creatures.
I lowered my helmet, setting Ema down, and kneeled down next to the woman, opening her shirt enough so I could see the wound. It was a large puncture mark, going through her right side and, from as much as I knew about anatomy, her kidney. Being slightly relieved that it didn’t cause completely hopeless damage, I set to work cauterizing and dressing the wound, stopping occasionally to make sure she was still breathing.
Once I was done, I slid up to her head, looking down at her. “Listen, I don’t want you running off if I fall asleep, alright? You’re in no condition to go anywhere, and you’ll be safer in a group.”
She gave a weak nod in response, mouthing ‘Thank you’, and closed her eyes. Sighing, I found a comfortable spot near the door and sat against the wall, laying my head back. I soon felt Ema climb onto her usual spot of my lap, giving me some relief. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep immediately, mind still in turmoil.
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Sorry for the lack of content recently; I haven't felt like continuing this story. If you've read this far, I do plan on posting the rest of the story up. It just may come a lot slower than normal.