Annalisa and Sam

Annalisa sat gazing at the photo album looking at the pictures of her and Sam when they were together and how happy they were. Annalisa was melancholy about how things with Sam Turned out and she started to break into tears. She held the photo album to her chest. She wiped a tear from her face and starting writing in her diary.

I'm trying to get over you but Its really hard I remember every detail of you. Your dark innocent brown eyes the mole near your eye and your sexy body and the handsome smile that could make the sun shine. In the moment where I lost it to you I was happy to feel the warmth of your body against mine the sizzling passion we had for each other. I look back at it now and I realize his love for me was way more mature then mine but now I feel I have the same mature but then to realize you have lost your love forever that's the hardest thing you have to deal with and No matter what you do you can't get over the fact that you lost it to him. That was my first relationship.