In Another Life

The Attack

Months went by. Loki remained at Scout's apartment during that time. Of course, he still went on his little adventures where he would be gone for sometimes days. Scout got used to it though. The more time that went by, the less sleep Loki got. He was constantly on the look out for trouble and Scout noticed it immediately. Her worry led to her losing sleep, which caused Tony to noticed. Tony didn't ask what was wrong with her. He figured it was still about "Adam". She never told Pepper that he was back. Scout wasn't in the mood to answer questions about the matter. With the time that went by, they would want to know more about him. Things that just weren't her place to tell. It wasn't everyday that a God just came to live with you.

Their friendship and feelings for each other grew. Neither spoke a word of it. Loki thought it to be a lost cause and knew he would only hurt her. Scout thought it was just impossible for someone as spectacular as him to even consider having feelings for their. They were both incredibly stupid.

"Are you okay?" Scout asked Loki. She had been home from work for a couple of hours now. Tony sent her home early due to how distracted she was. The phone was ringing off the hook. Yet she just sat there, starring at a black computer screen, unmoved. All she could think about was Loki and the state he was in. Loki was worse than her. He was beyond distracted. Half of the time, Scout was sure he wasn't all there. Like he was one of his illusions. Loki hadn't really spoke a word or moved from his place on the couch in her library. He just sat there, reading to himself, while Scout looked on.

"Yes. I am fine."

"Stop lying to me." She sighed, fed up with that answer. That's all he would ever tell her. He was fine. "I know something is the matter with you."

"It is nothing for you concern yourself with." His voice raised and Scout actually took a step back in fear. They had never really fought before. With the exception of that time where he was gone for two weeks and she did all the yelling. They were never mad at each other. It was always playful fights and teasing. This wasn't the case.

"If you are living in my house, it is something for me to concern myself with. I know something is wrong with you. You aren't the same anymore. If you would just tell me what is happening, maybe you would feel better, or you would be able to sleep at night. You don't have to carry this burden alone."

"I guess I should not live here anymore."

"I'm not asking you to leave, Loki! I'm just asking you to let me in!"

"I cannot not tell you anything. I have to keep you safe."

"Safe? Safe from what?"

"Safe from myself!"

"...what?" Scout was taken back. His answer made no sense to her. She didn't see Loki as a threat, and if he truly was, why was he here? "I....I don't understand....why are you even here then? If you're some monster who is going to hurt me, what are you doing here?!"

"I am not a monster!"

"Then what are you!? Obviously you're something of the sort if you are trying to protect me from yourself!"

"I cannot do this." He got up from the couch and tried to walk away, but Scout wasn't having any of that. He wasn't going to get away so fast this time. She was not going to let this go until she got answers.

"Why? What are you hiding from me?"

"I am not who you think I am. I am no good. I am deeply sorry that I have brought my troubles onto you. I will leave, and I won't be back this time."

"No, Loki." Her emotions took over her as she began to cry. That was the last thing she wanted. She didn't want to be alone. She did not want to be without him. She rushed over and forced herself into his arms. It was the first time they had any sort of contact in that way. Loki hesitated before finally giving in to what his heart felt and held her. This wasn't right. He was not focused on the war that was to come. He needed to leave before his feelings for in the way of the task at hand. None of this was suppose to happen. He wasn't suppose to meet her. He wasn't suppose to be living here. He wasn't suppose to fall in love with her. It was all accidental, but he did not regret a single thing. All he regretted was the heartache he was about to cause her.

"I am so terribly sorry but I must do this."

"Please don't leave." She whispered in his warm embrace. He pulled back and looked at her tear stained face. His chest tightened at the sight. It hurt him to see her like this. It was all his fault. Why couldn't he just do anything right? He was always hurting or disappointing someone.

"I'm sorry." He whispered back, then crashed his lips onto her. He was taking full advantage of the moment and he pulled her body closer to his. This just might be the last time he saw her. After his departure, he could very well die. He was okay with that. At least now he knew there was someone out there that cared for him. Someone actually gave a damn about him for once. Their first kiss might be their last.

Reluctantly, he pulled away from her. He frowned deeply once he saw the hopeful look on her face. Scout thought she won him over. She believed he was staying, and she couldn't be more wrong. Slowly, he began to wash away with the air. She couldn't cry at the sight before her. She was too stunned. Everything was happening all to fast for her to properly comprehend. He was leaving, and she still didn't understand why. What he he didn't tell her only brought more confusion. Why did she need to be protected against him?

"I love you." Scout muttered, thinking he wouldn't hear her, but he did. It made his decision even harder. Loki now wished he could time travel and fix the damage he has caused and the deals he had made, but things were way past that. The war was coming. It was only a matter of days now. All he could do was try his best to keep her from harms way.

The next day, Scout called out of work. Tony didn't ask her why because he already knew what was going on. Which is why he was now standing at her front door, slipping his key into the front door.

"Scout!" He called out for her. No answer. He went straight to her bedroom, knowing her lazy ass was probably still in bed, but he was wrong. The bed hadn't even been slept in from the night before. There was only one other place she would be hiding away in that apartment. The library. "Are we going to talk about this?" He asked as soon as she saw her sitting on the floor by one of the built in book cases.

"No." She mumbled.

"I think we need to."

"I don't think so."

"Well, we are, or I'm firing you."

"Fire me. I don't care. You no I have no real use working there anyways. You just made that job for me so I'd have something to do and not be so lonely."

Tony frowned slightly. Sometimes he forgot about her whole mind reading thing. She was right. Her job was rather pointless. It was just something to pass the time. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You mean well. It's not your fault I don't have anyone."

"You have me."

"You don't count. You're just as lonely as I am. You may have everyone else fooled, but you can't fool me."

"What's going on with you, Scout?"

"It's not important. He's gone for good. He said he's not coming back."

"Adam? I thought that was done and over with."

"It wasn't. I haven't been completely honest with you."

"Here's your chance." He sat down beside her, not caring that he was wrinkling his highly expensive Gucci suit in the process. So, she began confessing her lies. Everything from Adam not really being Adam to him living in her apartment for these past four months. Including all the stuff about him not being from this planet and his brother being Thor. "What is his name then?"

She left that part out, hoping he wouldn't ask. She knew it would probably raise some concern. Even on Earth, Loki was painted out to be the bad guy in mythology books. Tony wouldn't understand how he really was, no matter how much she tried to convince him otherwise. "Loki." She replied softly.

"Loki?" He questioned. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"He's the God of Mischief."

", it's not that. I've got to go." He stood up and briskly walked to the front door. Scout trailed closely behind him.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'll call you. Enjoy your day off." He kissed her cheek softly, then left. Enjoy your day off? How could see enjoy her day off with a broken heart? There was only one solution to this problem and it involved retail. Scout showered, did her hair, make up, and then got all dressed up. She hailed a taxi, then did some serious retail therapy. Hitting all the big stores, such as Chanel, Fendi and Prada. She had Tony's credit card, so there was no limited to her shopping. He did after all say, enjoy your day off.

Scout arrived at work the next morning at her usual time. Tony wasn't there because he was "away on business", but Pepper was. She couldn't help but wonder if her trip had something to do with their conversation yesterday. She prayed it wasn't.

"New bag?"

"Yeah, compliments of Tony." She held up her Prada tote for Pepper to examine.

Pepper laughed, "Only you can get away with that."

"So, where is that terror at? He totally left me hanging when he came over yesterday."

"I'll assume you two talked because you seem better now."

"Yeah, it's whatever. Being a little pouty brat isn't going to change anything. I just have accept it. It just wasn't meant to be I guess."

"Sorry, sweetie." She patted her back gently. Then left to get back to some documents she was working on. Tony was making a big change at Stark Industries to conserve energy and he was wanting it all finished in just a few days.

Scout forced herself to work and pay attention to what she was doing. Only once in a while would she slip for a few seconds and think about Loki. It was hard not to considering how wonderful he made her feel. Never in her life had she felt so appreciated and cared for. Tony took care of her but not in the same way Loki did. Everything was so different with him. It was almost as if he loved her too.

"Hey, wanna go out tonight and get drinks?" Pepper asked.

"Um, not tonight. Sorry. I just kinda wanna be alone right now. No offense to you. Maybe we can do something tomorrow?"

"Yes, of course. Tomorrow it is." Scout knew she wasn't going to be in the mood tomorrow either. Going out just wasn't her thing anymore. She felt too old to be doing it, but she knew Pepper was just trying to do something nice. She couldn't turn her down completely, so tomorrow would do.

"Well, I'm going to head home." She said, gathering her belongs.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, sweetheart."

Scout wasn't going home though. She was going to Strawberry Fields. Her safe haven hadn't been visited since that night she took Loki. It just wasn't needed anymore. She finally had someone to talk to and for once she felt like she belonged. Loki became her safe haven. Now he was gone.

When she arrived, it wasn't very busy. Only a few tourists taking pictures of the scenery, a homeless man asking for money in exchange for some music, and a couple New Yorkers just enjoying their time in the park. Scout handed the homeless man a couple hundred bills, which he thanked her endlessly for. Then took a seat down at the end, away from everyone else. She closed her eyes, enjoying the cool summer breeze, before she felt a presence beside her.

"Mind if I sit here?" A voice asked. She opened her eyes to see if they were talking to her. They were. A pair of dark brown eyes stared back at her.

"Uh...sure." She didn't understand why of all the empty places to sit around here, he choose to sit on the bench with her. Looking into his mind, she couldn't get any answers either. Its like he knew about her gift and was purposely thinking of all these other random things to confuse her.

"Beautiful day."

"Yeah...." She had never felt so awkward before. Who the hell was this guy? She was not in the mood to be hit on right now.

"Beautiful day, beautiful woman." And there it was.

"Look, I'm not interested. I have a boyfri..."

"A boyfriend? I thought he was gone."

"....what?" Loki was in no way her boyfriend, but no one else knew that. A far as this guy knew, she could have one. His mind was still flooded with other things. She couldn't get deep into his mind and see what the hell was going on.

"Your boyfriend...he's gone."

"No. No, he's not." Scout stood up with her purse. "Uh...I have to go." She stormed away, but going the wrong way. Instead of simply leaving the park like any normal person would, she went further in. It was a mistake.

When she went under a bridge, the man threw her up against the brick wall. She went to scream but he quickly covered her mouth with his hand. He had her firmly pinned, with a knife to her side. There was no chance of her escaping. Even with all Tony had taught her about defending herself. There was no chance of her using it now. This guy was too strong and twice her size. "What's wrong? You didn't like all the flowers I sent you." He harshly whispered in her ear. The situation brought tears to her eyes. He became sloppy for a second and let the wall in his mind down. His sole purpose of grabbing her right now was to murder her. Unless she gave into his sick fantasy of them being together. She'd rather be dead. "All I wanted was for you to notice me. To love me. Instead I had to watch you with HIM. He doesn't deserve you. I do. I know everything about you. I love you. I even kept your little secret power safe. All you ever did was ignore me. That's how you repay me. I bet you don't even know my damn name! I was invisible, but not anymore."

How did he know about that? Her only solution was he bugged her place, or he was actually inside when she was home. She sobbed silently and darted her eyes left and right in hopes of a by passer walking by and spotting them. There was no one. No one was there to rescue her. She should have just went home like she had told Pepper. Now, she was going to die.

Scout turned back to him, and fully looked at him. His face was familiar and it took her a good twenty seconds to place him. He worked in her apartment building. She had seen him many times, on the elevator, at the front desk. He even held the front door open for her a good hundred times in the time he had worked there. But he was right, she never completely noticed him. He was just an employee to her. Just someone there to serve her since she lived in that building. He meant nothing more and nothing less. That's how he knew of Loki. All the time they went out together. He was right, she didn't even know his name. She never noticed him. No wonder he was so angry.

"I'm sorry things had to end this way, but if I can't have you, no one can."

A flash of light blinded them both just as the man was about to stick his knife deep into her side, hitting her lungs. He removed his hand from her side and turned to see what was going on. Scout took this as her opportunity since she now wasn't fully pinned and kicked him straight between his legs, hitting his precious gems, as hard as she could. His hand left her mouth to grab hold of his private area. This was her chance. She screamed.

"Help me!" She cried out, praying someone, anyone would hear.

"Shut up!" He shouted back and made a move to grab her.

"Hey!" A voice of another man shouted at them, running underneath the bridge to Scout's aid. "Hey asshole, back away from her." Her hero shoved the man, then punched him in the jaw, sending him straight to the concrete. "Are you okay, ma'am?" He asked, touching her arm lightly.

"Ye...yeah. I'm fine."

"Call the police." He told her, before looking back at the attacker, grabbing ahold of him so he didn't get away. Scout bent down to the ground and picked up her purse which she dropped when he grabbed her. She pulled out her phone, but didn't call the police. She called the one person who knew what to do in a situation like this. Tony.

He showed up in a no less than two minutes while remaining on the phone with Scout, dressed as Iron Man. "What's wrong?" He asked, landing outside the bridge, then walking under.

"I...I was attacked."

Tony looked at the two men, and grabbed ahold of the one he knew was responsible for this. It obviously was the nice guy, dressed as a jogger. It was the creep, dressed in all black with a bruise forming on the right side of his jaw. He got a grip on his collar tightly, then flew out of from under the bridge, taking the man with him.

"Tony!" She yelled after him, running out with the other man.

"Damn." The jogger who saved her life said out loud to himself. "I'm sure glad I'm not him. I'm Jay, by the way."

"I know." She replied, not looking at him, but keeping an eye on Tony, who was still flying around. Obviously he wanted to teach him a lesson of his own before turning him into the police. It was so typical of Tony, but it was her fault for calling him.


"I mean, hi, nice to meet you."

"And you are?" She looked at him, completely unamused. By the thoughts in his mind, he meant well, but she just wasn't in the mood. What a way to meet someone who is actually a good guy.

"Scout." She mumbled in return.

"Scout? Interesting yet pretty." Tony landed in front of them, empty handed.

"Dropped him off..."


" the police station. Geez Scout, way to think the worst of me." She gave him the, can you blame me, look. "Fine, well, let's get you home."

"Wait..." Jay spoke. "Can I get your number?"

"Sorry son. I'm not your type."

"He wasn't talking to you, idiot." Scout groaned, rolling her eyes. She looked at Jay. He seemed genuine. Not a single one of his thoughts were about using her for her money or to get to Tony. He actually thought she was gorgeous and wanted to get to know her. "Sure." She reached out for him to retrieve his phone, and he obliged. She quickly typed in her name and number.

"I'll call you." He told her right before Tony took off, with Scout in tow.

"Well, this night was interesting." They landed on Scout's balcony, and went in the apartment threw the sliding door.

"Yeah, let's hope it doesn't repeat itself. I seriously thought I was going to die."

"Good thing that GUY was there to save you."

"Don't be mean. He was nice."

"What was on his mind? Your ass?"

"No. Don't be gross. He wasn't thinking anything bad. That's why I gave him my number."

"Wow. Two guys in such a short period of time. I'm impressed. About time you start opening yourself up to dating. I mean you adopted a cat. It's only a matter of time you become a cat lady if you don't find a husband soon."

"Isn't Pepper looking for you? Don't you have some Iron Man thing to be doing? Anything beside bothering me?"

"Just trying to keep you company, doll. I worry about you sometimes."

"Completely unnecessary. I am fine. Now, I'm going to take a nice long bath and go to sleep. So, you can go."

"Alright, well, don't worry about coming in tomorrow. You can just skip work again. I don't care. I better get going. Pepper and I were in the middle of fixing our energy problems at the tower before you called."

"Right, bye Tone." She hugged him quickly before pushing him back out onto the balcony and closing the door behind him. Until now, she never locked that sliding door. She wasn't taking any chances anymore. After almost getting killed, it makes you second guess everything you do.

As she sat in the bath tub, trying to relax, only one question remained in her mind. What was the flash of light that saved her life?
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I'll post the next chapter when I get some feedback. Thanks for reading.