Somewhere Over The Rainbow

The Last Day

What did I ever do to deserve this?! Seriously!
I have practically been a perfect little girl all my fucking life!
So what on earth did I do to get my stupid father to decide to move?

My name is Christina Morrison. I’m 16 and I loved living in Long Island.
I have lived my entire life in the same house. A nice house too. I lived there with my Father, my brother, Eric, and my sister, Kathryn. My mum left before I was even two years old, so I don’t really remember her. My brother, who is ten years older than me, told me that she ran off with her tennis coach… How cliché! I don’t think it really happened though. I mean he also once told me that I was hatched out of an egg. And by that, I mean a real egg, like chickens come out of.

Anyway, back to the point. The fact that we are moving! And not only are we moving, Oh no! We’re moving to Canada! Montreal to be exact! Canada, can you believe it? That’s a whole new country!

We’re leaving tomorrow at like 4 a.m. so I said goodbye to all my friends already. God I’m going to miss them all so much! But I’ll get some new friends. At least I hope so… I’m not exactly the most sociable person to put it mildly. I hate just walking up to someone I don’t know and just start talking to them. I’ll do it if someone I know is there as well, but not if I’m alone. That’s just weird! It’s like walking up to someone asking if they want to be your friend. It’s pathetic.

I wonder what Canada is like. You know, what the place looks like, if the people are nice, if the guys are cute. Heh, maybe I’ll meet Matthew. I doubt it though. Matthew, never Matt always Matthew, is a guy that my best friend Cindy and I made up. He has dark hair, Deep brown yes, a great smile, he’s really funny, has a great personality, great taste in music, he can sing and he knows how to play the guitar. There’s a lot more about him, but he isn’t important. Seeing as he is only a figment of our imagination.

“Ria, are you listening to me?!” Ria is my nickname. No one bothers to call me Christina, it’s too long. Call me Chris or Christy and you will feel my wrath.

“Huh?” I snapped out of my little trance when my sister yelled into my ear.

“I said, are you hungry?” Kathryn said while rolling her eyes. My sister and I were pretty close. I mean, we had our differences, and fought like cats and dogs at times, but thinking about the fact that she’s only two years older than me, you’d think we’d hate each other.
“We’re leaving for the airport in like an hour, and you know you never eat while traveling like that.”
I thought about it for a bit. I wasn’t really hungry, but it would be hours until I would be able to eat something that wasn’t made by cardboard again, so I probably should eat something. I made myself a sandwich and went back up to my, now empty, bedroom.
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So, those who read this story on quizilla knows that I started it ages ago, so the beginning is really crappy, and I thoroughly apologize for that!