Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Maybe I should get a dog...

“Ria, open the door!”
I was comfortably sleeping in my nice soft bed when I was rudely awoken by what sounded like Pierre pounding on my door!

I mean, he’s got some nerve coming to wake me up at 3 p.m. It is summer vacation after all.
“Give me a sec, will you?” I pulled on whatever was closest to the bed and reluctantly opened the door with a glare and a sigh.

“What do you want?”

"Did you just wake up?" I just continued to glare as he sinply stood there with a slightly amused smile on his face. “This is what you look like when you wake up?”

“Yes, don’t laugh! This is what I look like when I didn’t fall asleep until 6 a.m, and is then rudely woken up by an asshole pounding on my precious bedroom door!”

“Okay…” He nodded, “Can I come in?”

“If you don’t mind the mess… Oh, an try not to step on anything breakable!” I’m not the cleanest person in the world. Basically, you’re lucky if you ever get to see my bedroom floor.

“So, what the bloody fuck are you doing here?”

“Gee, nice to see you too…” He replied dramatically. “Don’t look at me like that…”
I’m pissy when I wake up, it’s not my fault! Wake me up and I will most likely throw something hard at you!

“Anyway, I asked her out!” He looked slightly pleased with him self, almost like some kid showing his mother that he drew her a picture.


“She said yes, duh!”

Is that really something to ‘duh’ about? I was sure she’d say no to be honest! I just hope for Pierres sake that she not still dating whatshisface.

“Really? That’s great! No movie right?”

“No movie, just coffee…” He said, while starting to fidget a little. You know twiddling his thumbs, picking his nails, scratching the back of his neck, stuff like that… I sighed, something was wrong and I knew it! Damn me and my amazing people reading skills.

“What’s wrong Pierre?”

“Nothing… Really!”

“Yeah right, you couldn’t convince a turtle with that. Fess up!”

“It’s nothing, it’s just..” He started.


“I don’t know what to say to her, okay?” He wouldn’t even look me in the eye. I don’t think Pierre is such a ‘ladies man’ as he claims to be. At least not with this girl.

“What are you so nervous about?” I said with a slight laugh, “I mean, tell her that her hair looks good and she’ll babble about conditioner for at least thirty minutes!” He laughed a little.

“Still, what if there’s like awkward silences, and sighs and stuff? That’s just embarrassing… And I’ll never be able too look her in the eye again!” He looked at me expectantly. As if begging me to write him a script or something.

“Look, relax okay? You’re talking to me right? If you can talk to me, or Ash for that matter, why wouldn’t you be able to talk to her? Just be natural and relaxed, and don’t try to force a conversation… It’ll work out! Trust me!” I smiled.

I can not believe I’m giving Pierre dating advice. I mean first of all; I’m not exactly the most experienced when it comes to this stuff, and this is the guy I actually like at the moment. I’m saying at the moment because I am determined to make this thing blow over! It isn’t going to happen, so I should move on and find someone else! Maybe I should get a dog?

“Thanks Ria…” He said looking at me, before putting his arms around my neck hugging me! Not really unexpected, but awkward as hell. I mean, I just woke up. Do you like hugging people right after you wake up? Yeah, didn’t think so. It wasn’t that bad though, It was kind of sweet. Besides, he smells really good! I know it sounds creepy, but I’m serious!