Somewhere Over The Rainbow

The Memory Box

Pierre and I decided to go back to my place after a while, seeing as I was so cold and could no longer concentrate on anything other than trying to keep myself breathing. According to Pierre I was overreacting tremendously and it was not even that cold out. I didn’t really answer him, I just sort of huffed and ignored him.

“Well, thanks to your oversensitive nerve system, we are now back where we started… Now what’re we going to do?”

“I don’t really appreciate that you blame me! It is, after all, not my fault that it is inhumanly freezing outside! “

“No, but it is your fault that you didn’t put on more layers of clothing.”

“Pierre, I’m wearing a long sleeved shirt, two sweaters, three pairs of tights, jeans, two pairs of woollen socks, winter boots, a thick winter coat, a scarf and a hat. If that is not enough layers, then I don’t know!”
He looked at me for a moment, looking slightly shocked at the information at first.

“Why the hell are you wearing all of that?”

“It’s cold! Have you not been paying attention?” he just laughed and started wandering into the house towards the staircase, saying a quick hello to my father in the living room before walking up the stairs towards my bedroom on the next floor.

When I came into my room a couple of minutes later, Pierre was sitting on my bed basically just looking at the walls.

“What you doin’?

“I never noticed that you have pictures on your walls…”
The walls of my bedroom weren’t filled up, but they were pretty covered by posters and pictures and little notes and other things that you can hang on the wall. I had your usual posters, I had little written notes that I had gotten from people that said stupid stuff and I had pictures of me and my friends. Most of them taken before I moved to Montreal, sort of like reminders of the life I had before! I still had contact with some of the people in the pictures, but sadly enough we weren’t really friends anymore. There were some pictures of the guys and Ash as well, there just weren’t as many.

“You didn’t?”

“Well, I usually don’t look too closely at peoples walls…” I just shrugged, letting a small chuckle escape my lips. He kept looking around my room for a minute before his gaze settled on a cardboard box underneath my desk.

“You’re not finished unpacking yet?”

“Of course I am…” I looked at the box he was pointing to as I spoke, “I just haven’t bothered with that box.”

“Why not?”

“That’s the memory box,” I sighed, “That box is filled with pictures from special occasions and letters my friends wrote for me when I moved away… I haven’t had the guts to open it and read them.” I kept my gaze at the dreaded box underneath the desk. It was taped shut so tightly that I was pretty sure I had used at least an entire roll of duct tape.

“I say we open it!” I just raised an eyebrow at him.

“How about; no?”

“Yes! Come on, Ria! You have to open it at some point. It won’t go away no matter how much you try to ignore it, the memories will always exist.”

“When did you become all ‘deep’ and shit?” He didn’t reply, he just sat down on the floor and pulled the cardboard box out from it’s neat little hiding place under my desk.

“Pierre, please…” He kept ignoring me as he started trying to get the tape off, I hesitated for a moment before going over to him to help him get the box opened. He was right after all, I would have to face the past at one point.