Somewhere Over The Rainbow

"Why can't love be easy?"

“What are you doing here?” I asked as the figure approached me.

“I have to talk to you while I still have the guts.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked confused.

“I’ve been trying to call you and I’ve been walking up and down this block so many times during the last week I think the neighbors think I’m a stalker or something.” He looked at me, his big brown eyes showing nervousness. “I need to know…”

I looked at him not sure of what to say. Sure; by now I had actually realized what I was going to say, but I still didn’t know how to tell him. “Pierre…” I looked down at my feet as he kept his gaze on my face. ”I can’t go out with you.” I said it quietly, so quietly that I wasn’t sure if he had even heard me.

He did though, I could feel that his entire presence sort of slumped a little. He sighed heavily; “why?”


“You don’t like me like that, and I’m a great guy and you don’t want to jeopardize our friendship and all of that, spare me, I’ve heard it before.” He turned to walk away from my now slightly shocked body.

“How do you know that was what I was going to say?”

He stopped, he didn’t turn around though, “well, isn’t it?”

“No…” He didn’t move. He just stood there, a couple of paces away from me with his back turned. “I was going to say; I do like you, but I refuse to be your rebound.”

This time he turned around, but he stayed where he was. “You won’t be a rebound!”

“How do I know that?” I asked dramatically, “and how do I know you won’t do the same to me that you did to Susan? Pretend to be in love with me, while really you just want to get laid and you’re scared of being alone?” He came towards me as I spoke and was once again standing directly in front of me.

“I wouldn’t do that to you!”

“How do I know that?” I shook my head disapprovingly at him, “you did it to Susan.”

“That was different…”

“Why, Pierre? Why is it so different?”

“Because you’re not Susan…” He said simply not caring to explain.

“I may not be Susan, Pierre, but I remember what you were like when you were going to ask her out,”

“So what?”

“So; you really, really liked her, but it still turned out like it did because you don’t have the balls to be alone!” I was getting really angry now, I was cold, I was tired and he was standing there and wouldn’t listen to me. “Pierre, you don’t want a relationship, you want a girlfriend. And I don’t want to be your doll that you can drag around as a trophy!”

“Aren’t you listening? It won’t be like that!”

“I am listening to you Pierre, but you’re not listening to me! I simply can’t go out with you, not now. I want to, but like I said; I refuse to be your rebound.” I shook my head disapprovingly as I said it, before tuning around and walking in to my house.

When I got in I went straight upstairs. I guess Kathryn noticed I was upset, because only about five minutes after I had lain down on my bed there was a soft knock on my door before she entered.

“Hey…” She said softly, “What’s going on?”

I didn’t feel like repeating the same story I had told Sebastien not long before so I settled for a simple; “Why can’t love be easy?”

She sat down on the edge of my bed and rubbed my back, “Because if it is easy it’s not love.”