Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Give him a chance

For the next couple of weeks Pierre and I hardly spoke, at least when the others weren’t there, when we did speak though, even if the others were there, the simplest conversations turned into flirtation. I knew he was flirting with me, and I knew I shouldn’t flirt back, but flirting with someone is a lot easier than you’d think, especially when you actually want to do it.

Ash of course noticed the intense flirtation going on between the two of us, being a girl and all. She ambushed me two days before Halloween. She came storming into my room where I was lying on my bed flipping through some random magazine and listening to radio. I hate the radio, always have, always will, but my cd player was broken so I didn’t really have much of a choice.

It took her a few tries, but in the end she managed to drag the story out of me. I think she was a little hurt that I hadn’t told her, but I did explain why she wasn’t told right away and she didn’t really push it.

“Maybe you should give him a chance…” This was the last thing I was expecting to hear, especially from her. I mean: she was the one who had advised me against liking him in the first place. “I mean; it’s obvious that he really likes you… why not give it a try?”

“But, what about the whole Susan thing?” I asked, not really believing the words that were coming out of her mouth.

“She’s a whore, what about her?”

“Well, think about it…” I reasoned, “he asked me out the same night as she dumped him, that reeks of rebound.”

She looked as if she was tasting my reasoning for a moment, “Not if he really likes you…”

Suddenly her face broke into a huge grin. “Not if Susan was the rebound for you!” I had to laugh at that, she looked so exited about this ridiculous idea it was almost sad. She didn’t seem to understand what it was that I found so funny.

“How the hell do you get that to work?” I asked between pearls of laughter.

“What if he actually liked you all along but didn’t think you were interested so he went out with Susan instead?” I looked at her beaming face and just rolled my eyes.

“Not once did he show any sign of liking me before he went out with her.” I tried to reason, “He even asked me for dating advice!”

“Well, think about it; you were new, and you didn’t show any signs of liking him and I do believe he might have thought something was going on between you and Seb.”

Once again I couldn’t help but to break out in hysteric laughter. “Seb and I, are you on something?”

Yet again she didn’t seem to find it that funny. “Well, you guys did become awfully close very fast…”

“Come on, that’s like you and I hooking up, we’re just friends!” I wrinkled my nose as I continued laughing.

“It’s not that ridiculous…” she said as an embarrassed smile crept out on her face. We sat quietly for a moment as my laughter died down. “I still think you should try though.” I didn’t respond, I just looked at her. She wasn’t kidding, her face was completely serious.

I knew she only wanted the best for me and to be a good friend, but I couldn’t help but doubt my feelings. Sure, my infatuation with Pierre never really went away, but is he really worth my time?

“How about this,” she said suddenly, “Flirt with him shamelessly at the Halloween party on Friday and see what happens.”

“I guess I could do that…” I said weighing my options and the possibilities of what might happen. “What are you dressing as?”

She smiled her most mischievous smile when I asked. “David and I are going as Pimp and white trash.” She grinned. I chuckled slightly, that might be the most perfect costumes for the two of them.

Pat was having a Halloween party. The rules were simple: bring your own booze, and you have to wear a costume, and if you went with another your costumes had to match.

“What about you?” she looked at me expectantly.

“It’s a surprise, you’ll see.” Seb and I were going to go together as friends, because none of us had bothered finding a date. He wanted to go as Hugh Hefner, but I refused to dress up as a playmate, so he settled for the second choice. We got our costumes and stuff ready the week before, and now we were just waiting for the party!
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I'm a horrible person, I know! I'm just having a bit of a writers block on this story, and if I force myself to write it sucks, and wouldn't you rather wait a little longer for something good?