Somewhere Over The Rainbow


I was walking down the street when I heard someone behind me yell; “WATCH OUT!” and since I’m an idiot I stop, and turn around just to be crashed into by some lunatic on a skateboard!

“Ow, what the…” I stand up and dust off a little before actually looking at the guy who hit me. He had brown hair, blue eyes and looked really concerned

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” he asks frantically

“I’m fine,” I say “my ass hurts a little, but I’m fine!” I smile at him, and he looks kind of relieved.

“I’m Sebastien,” he says as he sticks his hand out to help me up from my lovely place on the ground.

“I’m Christina,” I reply. “Wait did you say Sebastien? What’s your last name?”

“Lefebvre, why?”

“Oh my god, you’re the kid next door!” I say, laughing a little.

“I’m sorry but, huh? Am I missing something here?” he seems kind of confused.

“Oh right, sorry. I just moved in next to you, and your parents came over and your mum wouldn’t stop gushing about how she was sure we would be great friends and what not.”

“Oh,” he says blushing a little, “yeah, my mum’s like that, sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I assure him.

“Dude, what the hell is taking so long?” I suddenly hear someone shout.

“Oh man,” Sebastien says, “look; I would like to apologize in advance for any flirting, harassment, unwanted touching, humiliation, tackling, whining, and any other unwanted anything really, that may occur.” I look at him a little scared. “'Cause here comes my loser friends!”
“Hey I heard that!” a guy with a nose ring says. “Hi, I’m David, who are you?” He asks as soon as he sees me.

“I’m Christina,” I say a little unsure.

“Nice to meet you Christina, Hey can I call you Kiki?” he smiles, why Kiki? “And for the record, I’m not a loser! I might be the only normal one in this group, hey look! A pink car! Who has a pink car? Seriously?” I look at him like he’s crazy, while Sebastien just stands there, shaking his head. Suddenly someone comes up behind me, making me jump about two feet in the air.

“Don’t mind him, he’s crazy! I’m Chuck by the way.”

“Christina, or Kiki apparently,” I reply looking the new guy over. He was kind of skinny and had sort of a long face. It looked a little funny actually.

“Okay, so we’re going over to another friend of ours house. Do you want to come?” Sebastien asks. I’m a little shocked, I mean I only just met this guy.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to intrude or anything,” I say.
“Oh, come on Kiki, it’ll be fun! And then Ash won’t be the only girl anymore,” David Exclaims.

“Who’s Ash,” I ask a little unsurely.

“Oh, Ash is my girlfriend,” he says with a big smile on his face. It’s actually kind of cute. “She’s really great!”

“I guess I could come if your other friends won’t mind,” I say a little shyly. I’m not really good with new people.

“They won’t mind. Trust me!” Sebastien says as we start to walk down the street.

”Oh, and David?” I said.


”Don’t call me Kiki!”