Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Girl Power

It’s been a week since we moved in, and I’ve been hanging with Ash and the guys a lot. I have gotten to know them all pretty well. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot about them that I still don’t know! I only met them a week ago for god’s sakes.

Anyway, I have been spending the most time with Ash and Seb. Ash and I have actually become pretty good friends already. She is apparently happy that there’s finally another girl around to talk to. As I’m sure you can imagine it’s not easy being the only girl in a group of seven. That’s just a little too much testosterone.

You have no one to eat ice cream and watch ‘chick flicks’ with when it’s “the time of the month” or a guy is being an ass. We talked a lot on the phone and online and stuff so we talk pretty much all the time. Internet had been set up only two days after we moved in, and thank God! I’m addicted to the internet, I swear, I have a profile on basically anything you can have a profile on! Without a computer nearby when I’m bored I go crazy, and become a total drama queen!

Anyhow, Ash has told me a lot about the guys. Like the fact that David has ADD, so that‘s the reason for why he is crazy. Or, the fact that Chuck has had a major crush on a girl named Colette since he figured out the difference between boys and girls! She also told me that the guys are in a band, but she has no idea if they’re any good or not cause they refuse to let her watch them practice. And they don’t even have a name. Apparently that’s too much of a task for them to manage. Who has a band without a name? Seriously?

I had a lot of friends in bands back home, anything from Hardcore to punk to pop. Band guys are usually the best nicest ones, I speak from experience on this.

I have also come to realize that Pierre is even more like ‘Matthew’ than I would have thought. So as you probably realize, I have developed a teeny tiny crush on him. But it’ll go away. They always do. You see, I have a little problem when it comes to guys. I develop a crush, I don’t have the guts to tell him, he sees me as a friend, and everything ends up with him coming to me with girl problems and I force myself to move on. So, because of this little pattern, I am now 16 and I have never had a real boyfriend. Unless you count Jimmy in the fourth grade. But that was basically only because we were paired up for a school ”project” if you can even call it that, we were supposed to draw a picture of the earth. But all of this really isn’t important.

At the moment I am sitting in my room, in front of my computer, bored out of my mind! Even solitaire has gotten boring, and on a good day that will occupy and entertain me for at least an hour and a half! I’m just waiting patiently (yeah right!) for Ashley to log on to MSN so that I at least can have someone to talk to. After about ten more minutes of absolute boredom I was just about to log off when;
AshleyBanana! Logged on!

AshleyBanana! Says: Hey! What’s up?
RiaWhore! Says: Hey Ash… I’M BORED!
AshleyBanana! Says: Poor baby! He he…
RiaWhore! Says: heh, shut up! So what’s up with you?
AshleyBanana! Says: Not much. The guys are having band practice, so they ditched me!
RiaWhoreSays: How Rude! :P
AshleyBanana! Says: Heh, I know! Want to hang out or something?
RiaWhore! Says: sure! :D come over?
AshleyBanana! Says: okay. I’ll see you in like ten minutes(?)
RiaWhore! Says: Great! See you then!
AshleyBanana! Says: okay, bye!

AshleyBanana! Has signed off!

Okay, now at least I had someone to be bored with. That’s usually what happens when Ash and I meet up. We just hang around doing nothing and talking about stuff. We can talk about anything! We talk about everything from tampons to guitars, it’s amazing. Even though I’ve only known her for like a week.