Somewhere Over The Rainbow


After about an hour or so of absolutely nothing to do at my house, we decided to go to the mall. We were just walking around, you know just window shopping and stuff, when we ran into a friend of Ash’s. Her name is Susan. She’s blond, it looks as though she uses at least an hour to put her make up on, and not to mention the fact that her nail polish matches the color of her stilettos! Now, she isn’t ugly, but she’s not breathtakingly beautiful either. At least that’s what I think. She seems really different from Ash, but for some reason they are really good friends… I guess I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or whatever it is people say. Maybe she’s really nice. I mean, I match my nail polish to my outfit as well! Almost at least.

We have been walking around with this Susan girl for a couple of hours now, and the girl won’t shut up! Now, if she had actually been talking about something that I found even remotely interesting, it might not have been so bad. But the fact is that she has been babbling for two hours about what color she should dye her hair, and about how ‘amazed’ she is that so many guys actually like her. If I have to hear about the ‘dilemma’ of having to choose between Michael, Aaron, Matt and Ryan one more time, I swear to god I will rip my ears off with my bare hands!
I don’t think I have ever been as relieved as I was when I heard Ash’s phone start playing Green Day’s ‘Basket Case’, which meant that it was David.

“Hello?” Ash said hastily into the phone.
“Mhm, yeah. Ria and I are at the mall. And we ran into Susan,”
“Okay, sure. We’ll be there in like 15 minutes.”
“Yep, okay love you too! Bye!”

“We’re going to David’s!” Ash declared after hanging up the phone.

“Cool! Can I come?” Susan asked. Although she probably would have come no matter what we said.

Great. Just peachy perfect. She’s not a bad person, you know, you’re probably thinking she’s all prep and stuff, well guess what. I don’t label! I judge, but I don’t label. For all I know she has an amazing personality deep down inside of her, beneath her duct taped boobs and cashmere sweater. I just don’t feel like listening to her whine about guys anymore!

Newsflash; There is more to life than boys and hair! Some girls just naturally annoy me.