Somewhere Over The Rainbow

I have always loved guys who are in band!

We walked to David’s house seeing as it was quite close to the mall. And believe it or not, Susan was actually not babbling like a possessed chicken. Instead she was talking normally and actually having a conversation. A conversation revolving around her, but a conversation none the less. I don’t know if she has ever met the guys, but I guess I’ll find out soon enough, because when I looked around I noticed that we were actually standing in David’s driveway.

Once we got inside David jumped on us. I’m guessing he was aiming for Ash, but he managed to drag both Susan and myself to the floor in the process. Ash, David and I were laughing our asses off, but I guess Susan didn’t find it that funny, because she looked a little pissed actually.
We eventually got up off the floor, and went into the living room were the rest of the guys were. We tried saying ‘hello’ but of course they didn’t hear us. We didn’t really expect them to acknowledge us while playing playstation anyway. Boys will be boys I suppose.

It took everyone about half an hour to realize they were hungry. So we went to Tony’s. According to the guys Tony makes the best Pizza in Canada. I guess I just have to trust them. And Tony’s is just 15 minutes from David’s house. So most likely, it’s not the best pizza, it’s just the most convenient.

On the way there and pretty much all the time we were there, Susan and Pierre would not stop flirting. I have to say I was jealous. Not because she was flirting with Pierre, God no! That’s a good thing to be honest, maybe they’ll hook up and I will have to get over my stupid crush.

I was jealous because she could just flirt with someone she just met, without even thinking. It proves that she has confidence, and that she might be a little bit of a slut, but not necessarily, she could just be a flirt.

I could never just flirt with someone. I can hardly even talk to someone I don’t know. Let alone start telling them how ’I have always loved guys who are in a band!’

Once we got to Tony’s we all fought for about 10 minutes about what to put on the pizza, we ended up with taking two pizzas with various toppings, and people would just pick off what they didn’t like. I have to admit the pizza was good, but I’ve had better. After all, I’m basically from New York.

We left Tony’s after a couple of hours. We were all pretty tired, so we decided to just head home to our respected homes, and call it a night. Ash was leaning on David since they were dating and heading in the same direction, I was leaning on Seb, because he smells nice and we were going the same way.
Don’t get the wrong idea here! I would never in a million years date Seb, No offence to him or anything, we’re just friends that’s all.

Have you ever met someone and instantly clicked? Like you know from the first day that You’ll be friends for ages? Yeah, that’s me and Seb for you. And besides, he does smell really nice.

Susan was leaning on Pierre for some odd reason, because she lives in the other direction, but whatever floats her boat. And of course, Pat and Chuck were both leaning on Jeff, just to piss him off. It must have been quite a sight seeing the nine of us, walking down the street that night. Hopefully, no one did!