The Final Lullaby


The lights flickered in the main hallway. The walls were covered in long forgotten graffiti marks, depicting which gang had been there. Trash, dirt, and over-turned wheel chairs littered the broken tiled floors. Paint peeled off of the wall in short strips all over the abandoned hospital.

The hospital had been closed in 1952, but had seen many occasions of strange visitors; many being men of science and law. In the year 1987, there had been talk of demolition, but the talking had ceased when a committee member had mentioned the building being of historical reference. Many years passed and the building fell into disrepair and abandonment.

One group still had use of the many hospital rooms in the building. For what purposes, none will speak of to others. It was this group that would begin what would be referred to as the breaking point of the twenty-first century. Or to be more accurate, a living hell on earth.

For years, the group led on undisturbed to do whatever experiments they set their minds to. Including lobotomy, hydrotherapy, and the use of various heavy medications.

But one girl would bring the destruction down upon them. She would be the one to break this group and their demonic hold over their various patients. It would be this very girl who would bring the eventual "Armageddon" to earth. For this particular girl had been blessed with powers beyond all reasoning. Beyond all doubt. She was a gifted girl and she would no longer tolerate the misgivings of these men who had so faithfully turned to science and their "experiments". To do what she was born to do, she must bore deep into her most intimate fears and replace them with a burdening desire to do right.
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This is the beginning to what I hope will be a fantastic story. It has a rough beginning, but it will get better.