Perfectly Different

Scary Truth

Cameron’s POV:
I am sitting outside the dorm waiting for Courtney to come back. It’s already ten and she still isn’t back.
“Cameron.” Jordan runs to me, tears streaming down her face.
“What’s going on?” I stand up and walk over to meet her.
“Courtney, she was in a wreck.” My heart drops. If I had let it go or tried to stop her, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Is she okay?” I ask Jordan.
“No, I don’t think so. Melody just called and told me so I thought I would come get you.”
“Okay, let’s go. Did Melody say which hospital?” I ask her and she hands me the address. I drive and run in. Melody, Zach, and Michael are waiting.
“Cameron, it’s not good. I was driving by and saw her car, but the ambulance was leaving so I followed it.” Melody tells me. I can’t believe I’m hearing this right now. Everything was perfect just a few hours ago.
“What happened?” I ask and Melody won’t look at me.
“No one’s really sure. The driver of the other car is in bad shape, too. No one knows anything except it was a head on crash.”
“It was the other driver’s fault, right?” It can’t be Courtney’s fault.
“Cameron, no one knows anything except that my roommate and friend might die!” Jordan says and Michael holds her.
“Sorry, Jordan.” He tells her.
“Jordan, go easy on him.” Melody says, but she won’t look at me.
“Why weren’t you with her?” Zach asks me. “Didn’t you have plans tonight?”
“Yeah, but we got in a fight.” I tell them.
“And I left you alone. I should have yelled at you along with her.” Jordan says.
“Thanks.” I say sarcastically.
“Jordan, let it go. Courtney doesn’t need to hear us fighting!” Melody yells.
“If she can even hear right now. For all we know she’s dead and the doctors aren’t telling us. She might have died on impact!”
“Jordan!” Michael yells.
“Sorry.” She says.
“Don’t talk like that.” Melody says and sits in a chair.
“Can we go in and see her?” I ask.
“They said only immediate family can go in and her parents are kind of in Missouri right now.” Melody tells me. I go over to the nurses’ station.
“I would like to see Courtney Fuller.”
“Are you family?” The nurse asks me.
“Sort of. I’m her fiancé.” I lie.
“She wasn’t wearing a ring. We collected all the jewelry we could off the body.” It sounds so harsh.
“Well then it must be lost. I’ll have to buy her a new one.” I say and the nurse looks at me, finally breaking.
“Alright, she’s in room 4015.” I walk into the room. Courtney’s face is covered in blood. Her arms are so bruised and she’s already getting a black eye from the air bag. She’s hooked up to a ton of monitors and it’s really scary to see.
“Courtney, I am so sorry. I should have let you listen to whatever you wanted to and not gotten so upset. Please just wake up, Court. Don’t die on me. I love you.” I beg her, tears falling. She opens her eyes and looks around the room.
“I’m in an odd numbered room.” She says, smiling.