Perfectly Different

The Almost

Cameron’s POV:
“How are you?” I kiss Courtney when she wakes up. We’ve been married for two months.
“Amazing as always.” She smiles.
“Well that’s good. What would you like to eat today?” I ask her.
“Pancakes sound really good.”
“Alright, I’ll get on that. Do you mind if I have bacon with mine, though?” I ask her and she laughs.
“Cam, just because I’m vegetarian, doesn’t mean you have to be. Hello, you eat meat all the time around me.” I kiss her.
“You’re perfect.”
“Awww, I know.” She smiles. “Wait, Cam.” She calls after me.
“What?” I ask her.
“Fix me a glass of chocolate milk?” She asks and I laugh.
“How old are you?” I ask her and she laughs.
“22, but younger than you. The one who will be 29 in 6 months.” She says.
“Alright, you win this one.” I tell her and she crawls under the covers again. I fix everything and carry it up to her.
“You brought it to me?” She asks and I smile.
“Why not?” I say and she sits up.
“I could get used to this.”
“Don’t, because it won’t happen every day.” Her face falls.
“Yeah, like when you tour again.”
“That won’t be for a while.” I tell her.
“How many times have I heard that in the past four years?”
“Are you having a bad day?” I ask her and she looks at me. I can see it in her eyes.
“Sorry, Cam. I hate being like this!”
“It’s not your fault.” I hug her and she moves her fork around. Her hair falls in her face and I move it back.
“You don’t deserve to see me this way.”
“When I married you I agreed to be by you for everything. When you were in your wreck I said I would never leave your side. A few bad days won’t change that.”
“How do you always make me smile?” She asks.
“Maybe I’m just that powerful.”
“Yeah, maybe you are.” She agrees. After breakfast we head to a party for Jordan and Michael’s engagement.
“Congrats, Jordan.” I hear Melody say.
“Mel, Jor!” Courtney yells and runs to the door. They hug. I walk in and see Zach and Michael talking.
“We were all starting to wonder when you would do this.” I say and he laughs.
“Yeah, Jordan basically forced it, but I don’t mind.” Michael says.
“This is why you don’t wait a year.” Zach says. He proposed to Melody a year ago and they are getting married in April.
“Guys, quit being boring and come party with us.” Melody yells. I grab Courtney’s hand and she looks in my eyes.
“I love this.” She says.
“Not backing out?” I ask her and she laughs.
“Hasn’t crossed my mind yet.” She kisses me.
“It hasn’t crossed my mind either.” I tell her. We talk with the others for a few hours and then she looks at me.
“Cameron, I want to go home.” Courtney says and I look at her.
“Okay, I’ll get my keys and we’ll go.” I say. It is kind of late.
“No, I want to go home. Back to where I grew up.” That’s a little different.