Perfectly Different

We Meet Again

Cameron’s POV:
“Sold?” I watch Courtney’s face as it moves into the familiar position.
“Don’t cry, Court.” I say as the woman walks to her car and drives away.
“My parents sold the house and didn’t tell me! This is where most of my life occurred; all the important parts at least. My first heart break, my first years in middle school and high school, my first boyfriend, my first heart break, my first year in college, my first car, everything! This porch is where I had my first kiss.” She sits on the step.
“I’m so sorry, Courtney. I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” I sit next to her.
“No, you can’t. This is horrible.”
“Did you feel better?” I ask her.
“Yeah, for a second.” She says.
“At least the trip wasn’t a total waste then.” I tell her and she looks at me.
“It wasn’t a waste at all. I hate finding out that my parents are selling the house, but I loved being with you. Just us and not our friends.” She leans on me and looks around.
“Have any of your neighbors moved?” I ask her.
“Doesn’t look like it. Across the street and over one was my sixth grade Comm Arts teacher. Next door is a cop and his lawyer wife. I wonder if they ever had any kids of their own.”
“Who knows.” I say and she looks at me.
“I still want a big family.” She tells me.
“Three?” I ask her.
“You remember.” Her eyes are lighting up again so I take this chance.
“Come on, let’s go. You can show me around.” I tell her and she jumps up.
“Sounds great. Do you think we could consider starting a family in a few months?” She asks me.
“I’ll check with the guys about band stuff, but that sounds good.” I tell her.
“Okay.” She says and jumps in the car. I get back on the road and she takes me by her old high school.
“Wow, this place is huge.”
“Yeah, I hated it. And there was one spot that got so full no one could move. I was almost late to class once and I could have murdered all the kids in the hall.” I laugh.
“No, you’re too sweet.” I tell her.
“Tell that to Melody and Jordan; they’ll wonder if you know me at all.”
“Court, you are sweet.”
“Thanks, Cam.” She says. “Hey, take this road.” I park where she tells me to.
“What’s special about this place?” I ask her. I can tell by the way she’s walking she’s been here before.
“Cory used to take me here all the time. It was where we had our first date and it just kind of became our place.”
“It looks like a nice place.” I say.
“He knew someone so we always got our meals free.”
“That’s really nice.” I say.
“Maybe we should go now.” She says.
“That sounds like a good idea.” I tell her. We start to walk back to the car.
“Cam, I know that laugh.” She stops walking and turns around.
“What do you mean?” I ask her.
“Cory.” She says and he turns.
“Oh, Courtney.” Not this again.