Perfectly Different


Cameron’s POV:
“Hey, Cam, can you come here a second?” I hear Courtney yell and walk to our room.
“What’s up?” I ask her and she looks at me. It’s been three months since we visited her old town and she’s been really happy since then.
“Uhm, what’s nine months from today?” She asks me.
“I don’t know; sometime in November.” I look at her and she runs over to her calendar.
“Oh, gosh, Cam.”
“Courtney, what is going on?” I ask her, but I think I know exactly what is happening. She holds the stick up for me and I see the plus sign.
“I think I’m pregnant.” She’s smiling and I hug her.
“Court, this is amazing!” I say and she laughs.
“But I need to make an appointment to be completely sure. Cam, we’re going to have a baby.” I think she’s about to cry, but she's smiling more than I've seen in a while.
“Who do you want to tell first?” I ask her and she looks at me.
“Let’s make sure it’s real first. Then we’ll figure out who to tell.” She’s already dialing the number.
“Hang on, we have a tour in August.” I say and she drops her phone then stares at me.
“When do you get back?” She asks.
“Around October or November.”
“You don’t know?” She asks me.
“All we really know is that we leave in August.”
“Well then you can make it end in October! Cam, you’re leaving me the last few months? That is when I need you the most.”
“Then come with us.” I tell her.
“Zach, Michael, and Brent would kill me or you; maybe both. And what if I have an early labor? Oh, God, what if I have an early labor? What if I lose the baby? Cam!” I hug her close.
“Everything will be fine. Nothing will go wrong, I promise you.”
“But you can’t control that.” She sobs.
“Hey, let’s go ride horses.” I suggest and she laughs.
“Cam, you know how I feel about that. Especially now that there's a thing growing inside me.” She looks at me and I look back at her.
“You aren’t upset anymore, though.” I tell her.
“I swear, Cam, you are so weird sometimes.” She says and goes to make her call.
“When are you going in?” I ask her.
“Tomorrow around noon. Cam, what if I really am pregnant? That kind of puts a hold on me getting a job.”
“It’s okay. You have plenty of time for that still. Have you thought about going on tour with me?” I ask her.
“You just asked, but I have thought about it. We’ll see if I’m allowed to travel, and if my doctor says yes, then I would love to travel with you.” She kisses me.
“Okay, we’ll talk about it then.”
“That means you have to deal with crazy moods and cravings.” She reminds me.
“I already do.” I tell her and she slaps me.
“You’re mean.” She smiles.
“But I love you.”
“True. I would be really upset if you missed the birth of our first child.” She tells me and I hug her.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
“Good, but I would understand if it was the band.” This is why we work.