Perfectly Different

Flying and Crashing

Courtney’s POV:
“Look, Cameron, it’s been an amazing week, but I have to get back home. I have college in a month and I need to talk to Cory.”
“Why did you two break up?” Cameron asks me. We’ve only been on one date, but we want to make this long distance thing try to work.
“I told him I had met you and there was no comparison. I love Cory, I do, but I feel something with you that I can’t get from anyone else.”
“Wow, that is really deep.”
“Sorry. Did I scare you off?” I ask him and he kisses me.
“No, not yet. I’ll see you in a few weeks for our second date.” He tells me and I smile.
“This already sounds horrible.” I say and he laughs.
“I think it’ll be okay.”
“Court, come on, we have to get back.” Melody yells. Cameron walks me to the van and opens the door for me.
“You better hope it is okay.” I tell him and he shuts the door.
“Are you more in love with him?” Melody ask me and I look at her.
“I’m not in love with him yet. We only went on one date.”
“But he treated you like a queen.”
“Yeah, he did.” I can’t stop smiling. He was so perfect, just like I knew he would be.
“When do you see him again?” Melody asks me.
“He flies out at the end of the month to help me move in to my dorm.”
“This week was amazing.” She says.
“Yeah, it was. It was great spending time with my best friend and we both found amazing guys.” I tell her and she laughs.
“Yes we did. Everything’s falling into place.” I go to scratch my nose.
“Dang this thing. My parents are going to kill me.”
“Too late now. You’re moving out and it’s already done.” Melody says. I look in the mirror and smile.
“I like it, I really do. I just needed something different and this was it.”
“What does Cameron think?” She asks me.
“He drives a motorcycle so he can get over a small stud in my nose.”
“You two are really different once you get past the few similarities you have.”
“But that’s good; it means we won’t have a boring relationship.”
“At this point, neither of us have a relationship. Cameron’s taking you on a second date at the end of the month. Zach’s flying out next week to take me on our second date.”
“Hey, it’s something.”
“True.” She says. I keep looking, hoping for a text or call from Cory.
“I miss him, Mel.”
“But you broke up because you like Cameron.”
“Do I even have a chance of this working?”
“That’s up to you and him. If things don’t work out maybe Cory will take you back.”
“No, I don’t think he will. He was great for a first, but he just isn’t my type, you know.” I tell her and look out the window. I was comfortable with him, but not happy.
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” She tells me. She pulls into my driveway the next day and I open the door.
“Time to face some horrible situations.”