Perfectly Different

City Girl

Cameron’s POV:
“Ready for the second date?” I ask Courtney when she opens the door.
“Welcome to my unfurnished dorm room.” It looks like a little apartment.
“It’s nice. How many of you share it?” I ask her.
“Just me another girl. I get my own bathroom.” She grabs her purse and walks outside.
“Alright, where’s your rental car?” She asks me.
“Since I’m not quite 25, I can’t get one. I took a taxi over and that’s how I figured we could get to the restaurant.” I tell her.
“Oh, that’s interesting.” She is a car only kind of girl apparently.
“We could walk if you’d rather. It’s not too far from here.” I tell her.
“Did you not pay attention on the way in? There’s no way we could walk these roads.” I call for a cab and we wait a few minutes.
“So, tell me about yourself.” I say and she laughs.
“I am crazy OCD. Every so often I’ll move things because they don’t feel right and the worst is odd numbers. I cannot stand them! I eat even amounts of food in an even number of bites. Like, things have to be even for me.” I laugh.
“That is crazy.”
“Sometimes I even count words in my head so I know what I’m saying.” She laughs.
“Wow, that is really bad.” I tell her. The taxi shows up and I open the door for her.
“I know it is, but that’s who I am.”
“It’s okay, we all have weird things about us.” I tell her.
“Really, what is so weird about you?” She asks me and I look at her.
“Geez, Courtney, I thought you were a fan.” I say and she laughs.
“Okay, you have a point there, but you aren’t that bad. If I was having this conversation with Zach it would be different.” She tells me and I laugh.
“Yeah, it would be.” She starts to lean on me when the taxi takes a sharp turn. She sits up and grabs the door handle.
“Our next date is in San Diego and you’re driving a real car.” She says and I laugh.
“We can do that.” I tell her. “How have things been with you and Cory?” I ask her and she looks at me. I can tell she doesn’t want to talk about him and I feel bad for asking.
“He’s been avoiding me and I’ve been avoiding him. I know I should talk to him, but I don’t want to hurt him. Or me.”
“You two will work it out and end on a better note.” I tell her.
“I hope so.”
“Well, here we are.” I say at the restaurant and we get out.
“Do you have a reservation?” The hostess asks.
“Quiseng.” I tell her and she smiles.
“Right this way, you two.” She leads us to the back and I pull out Courtney’s chair.
“This is amazing, Cameron.”
“I try.” I tell her. We talk and laugh the whole time and get ready to leave.
“Courtney.” I hear and she turns around.
“Cory?” She asks and looks at me.
“Go talk to him.” I tell her and they walk off. I trust her.