Perfectly Different

The Truth

Courtney’s POV:
“Court, are you really done with me?” Cory asks and it breaks my heart. We need to let go of each other.
“I’m not done with you, Core, but we need to let go. I’m actually on a date with Cameron right now.” I tell him and his eyes go cold.
“Of course you are. I should have known you would be. Your nose looks good.” He says and I smile.
“Thanks, Cory. Are we going to be okay?” I ask him.
“Maybe. It hurts a lot.”
“I know.”
“Then let’s not end this. We had a good thing going.”
“Someday this will all make sense to both of us, Cory. I need to go now.” I tell him and he stops me.
“Can I kiss you one more time?” He asks. I know if he does I’ll fall right back into his arms.
“No.” I say and start crying. I walk back to Cameron and he holds me.
“How did it go?” He asks.
“This is hurting me and him, but I really like you.” I tell Cameron. We start walking so I can calm down.
“It will get better.” He tells me.
“How would you know?” I ask and he laughs.
“Just trust me on it.” I look in his eyes and I do trust him.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks and I smile.
“Yes.” I tell him. He and I may be a little different, but we’re good together. We’re so different that it’s perfect.
“Cool.” He says and I laugh. He calls for another taxi and again opens the door for me.
“What if I move out to California next summer?” I ask him and he looks at me.
“Are you sure? You look pretty happy in that dorm room you have.” He laughs.
“It is nice, but I’m sure. If we last that long of course.” I tell him.
“Hopefully we do.”
“Yeah, hopefully.” When we get back to the dorm he walks me inside.
“Goodnight, Cameron.” I say.
“Goodnight, Courtney.” He kisses me and I close the door.
“How was your night?” My roommate, Jordan, asks me.
“Besides seeing my ex and almost dying in a taxi, it was amazing.” I say and she laughs.
“You are such a city girl.”
“Yeah, I am.” I wish I had my car right now, but my parents drove it home so they could bring more stuff tomorrow.
“I’m glad it was good.” Jordan says.
“Thank you.” I tell her.
“Can I be honest with you?” She asks me. Oh no, she’s in love with Cameron.
“Sure, what’s up?” I ask her.
“The Tragic Thrills is my favorite band! I’m kind of in love with the drummer, Michael. Do you think you could talk to Cameron?” I laugh.
“Michael is a catch. I’ll see what I can do.” I tell her and she hugs me.
“Thank you so much! I hate to ask so early, but I figured I would why he’s in a town.”
“Cameron will be back tomorrow to help me unpack.” I tell her.
“Awesome. This is going to be a great year.” Jordan runs to her room.