Perfectly Different


Cameron’s POV:
“Are you ladies ready?” I ask Courtney and Jordan. They are moving their stuff to San Diego University and Melody is meeting them next week.
“Hurry up, chicks.” Michael says and Jordan kisses him.
“For that, we’ll go extra slow.” She tells him.
“No we won’t. I would like to get to Cali before my one year with Cameron.” Courtney says and I kiss her.
“That’s three days; we’ll be out there.”
“But we’re stopping twice because some losers won’t drive through the night.” She looks at Michael and he throws his hands up.
“Don’t blame me! I hate driving.”
“Whatever.” She says and puts tape on her last box. “But we’re driving until we hit Colorado.”
“Fine.” Michael says. He grabs Jordan’s boxes and loads them in his car and hers.
“Would you like some help?” I ask Courtney and she laughs.
“I would love some. Would you like purses or shoes?” She asks.
“I’ll take shoes.” I tell her.
“Thank goodness. That’s the heavy one.”
“Can you tell me why that doesn’t surprise me?” I ask and she laughs. I grab the boxes and head for my car.
“Look, he drives more than a motorcycle.”
“Admit it, you’re getting more comfortable with it.” I say and she looks at the ground.
“Yeah, I am, but that doesn’t mean I love it.”
“I would never ask you to.” I kiss her.
“Come on, guys. If we’re going let’s hit the road now.” Jordan says.
“Alright, we’re coming, calm down.” We hit the road and make it to Colorado ahead of schedule. We get out at the hotel.
“Do you want to go farther?” Jordan asks when we get out.
“Sure, why not.” Courtney says.
“I’m fine with it.” I say.
“Dang it.” Michael says. We all laugh and get back in our cars. We stop somewhere in the middle of Colorado.
“What are the sleeping arrangements? I’m just assuming girls in one room and guys in the other?” Jordan asks.
“I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same room as you.” Michael tells her.
“Couples together.” Jordan says and goes inside without looking back. I look at Courtney.
“Different beds?” She asks and I laugh.
“If that’s what you’re comfortable with.” I tell her.
“Thanks, Cam.”
“We’re in the same place here, Court.” I tell her. We check into our room and she goes to change. She walks out in shorts and a t-shirt.
“Alright, bathroom’s yours.” She tells me.
“Beautiful as ever.” I tell her and she laughs.
“No need to lie to me this late.” She adjusts the pillows and blankets just the way she likes.
“You really do look fine.” I say when I come back out.
“Thanks, Cam. So do you.” She says and I realize I haven’t put my shirt on.
“Really, Court?”
“Hey, I’m an 18 year old, almost 19 year old girl. Don’t blame me for liking the fact my boyfriend is a sexy beast.”
“Well the show’s over.” I tell her and put my shirt on.
“Darn. Maybe there will be another show tomorrow?” She asks.
“Maybe, but probably not.” She sits up and looks at me. I kiss her before fixing the other bed the way I want it.
“Goodnight, Cam.”
“Night, Court.” I say and turn out the lamp.