Status: Sterek! Chaptered, because I cannot leave things as a one-shot. That's how terrible of a writer I am. Also I don't own anything - besides the plot - and the title is Marianas Trench 'Stutter' <--- main inspiration for this story (don't own that either).


I Guess It's Not That Bad

I turned over in my bed for what felt like the tenth time already. I had no idea of what time it was. I just knew that it was late and I could not for the life of me sleep. It was a little frustrating. I had had sleepless nights before no doubt, but this was bad. I was dead tired, but my body was jittery and not at all ready for sleep and my mind kept spinning about last night. The images were drilled into my mind and they would just not let me get any sleep. And I knew that even if I wanted to I could not run from them. Or what they might bring along. The events...

I turned again. Towards the window this time. My eyes were fixed on the window, my thoughts running off with me, giving my butterflies in my stomach again.

My breath hitched at the words slipping from between Derek's lips. My heart skipped a beat and beat faster, heavier than before. My balled up hands were shaking worse than before and the butterflies in my stomach were roaming so badly I thought I might throw up in excitement. Derek sent me a small smile and locked his gaze with mine. My brain was lacking oxygen already and the embarrassed blush had turned into a full fledged blush by now.

The breath of Derek was still ghosting over my skin. I regained my ability to breathe, but I was still beside myself. My mind was still spinning like a crazy and I could barely think. The fingers that slowly snaked their way around to the back my neck did not make it any easier. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down and be prepared.

But no matter what could have happened I had not been prepared for it. Not even the very telling ghosting of Derek's lips against mine prepared me for the mind blowing kiss that followed. In my head I had done this a million times whether I wanted to admit it or not, and reality was so much different. I had always taken Derek for the rough edged type of guy that would try to break teeth. But really. Either he was completely different, this was not Derek or he had noticed my shaking hands and my racing heart. Whatever it was, I thanked it.

The butterflies in my stomach grew larger and I stopped breathing, my mind overworking to take in everything. Every single detail. I had no idea what to do with my hands. I had kissed a girl once in third grade and that had just been a small peck on the lips. This was completely different, and if I was to die in a few moment I would have died happy.

Annoyed with my thoughts I turned away from the window, hiding my head in the pillow. A small growl escaped from my throat. Derek fucking Hale just couldn't keep his hands to himself, now could he? He had just had to do that, right? He had just had to!

My hands slowly locked firmly onto the fabric of Derek's shirt. My eyes had slipped shut from the moment Derek had breached the borders. But was visibly more relaxed now. I was slowly falling into the feeling. Slowly forgetting the world around me. All that was was Derek. And taken that I supposedly hated the wolf was not making it easier to comprehend.

His free hand was resting on the lower part of my stomach and just thinking about it had my toes curl.

"Get outta my head!" I grumbled and tossed the pillow to the floor. I pulled the cover over my head, trying to shield myself from the memories that refused to let me sleep right now. It was over 24 hours ago and I was unable to sleep. I even got to wonder how the hell Scott had been able to sleep after his first kiss with Allison. If the two of them had a serious thing I swear he would have had to have stayed awake the entire night too. If not I swear I was going to kill him.

Derek pulled away a little, allowing for both of us to take a breath and return to the real world. His breath was still ghosting over my lips and I could not look away. No matter how awkward it was I could not look away from those damned eyes. I took a deep breath, my heart racing again. Slowly I leaned back towards Derek. I was no done yet.

He could just have been testing the waters. He could have been curious as to what had me stumble and fall whenever he was close, or he had just needed my attention. In any case there were only two outcomes to what I was about to do. Acceptance and rejection. I had no idea which one I feared the most.

I let my hands slowly find their way to Derek's neck, holding him in place. If he didn't want this he could easily pull away. He was part wolf for heavens sake. But he didn't budge and as I pressed my lips against his for a second kiss, he took all he could get. Horny wolf...

I pushed the covers off of me and sat up. This was not working. Not working at all. I ran a hand over my face and as a reflex glanced to my window. There was nothing there and I was more than a little thankful for that. Annoyed and by now quiet content with the thought that sleep was out of the question tonight I jumped from my bed and to my laptop. If I could not sleep I could do other things instead of wasting my time in stupid memories of something idiotic that happened over 24 hours ago, which was not worth my time.


That morning I stumbled down the stairs, literally. I was tired and my head felt like it had been smashed in with a brick. My brain was overworked and the thought of school made me want to groan loudly and go back to bed. I was not even sure if I could drive my jeep right now. But my dad would never let me stay home because I had pulled an all-nighter. It was nothing I hadn't done before, but I had had trouble enough sleeping the night before as well.

"Morning Stiles." My dad greeted me. I only gave him a small glare before I stumbled to the fridge and ripped out the milk. I sloshed my way to the cupboard where I ripped out a glass and filled to the brim. I had not noticed that I had forgotten to close the fridge after I was done. I just leaned against the counter, feeling the cool liquid slide down my throat and chase away a bit of the exhaustion. My dad rose from his seat at the table and closed the fridge, a slightly worried look in his eyes. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Everything's brilliant." I mumbled and took another sip. I didn't look at him and I was slowly waking up. I knew I had to play this out as long as I could. Even if he found out that I had stayed up all night, he could never know why. I was not sure how 'hey, dad... I didn't get any sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Derek Hale... you know the fugitive... yeah him.. he's my friend and usually visits me when you go to sleep... yeah well.. we're kind of a thing now so better get used to no grand kids' would sit with him. It sure as hell didn't sit right with me yet. Instead I did my best to ignore the issue and think about school for now.


"Stiles?... STILES!"

I jumped at the sound of someone yelling my name. I looked up in shock and found Scott looking at me with an odd look. "What's the matter with you, Stiles?" He asked, annoyance clear in his voice. I blinked a few times. "Sorry... I couldn't sleep last night. The whole deal about the alpha's getting to me I guess." I excused myself and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Scott might be my best friend but that did not mean that I was about to spill the beans about Derek and me... if there was anything to spill. I hadn't seen Derek since... which was about 36 hours ago now. Why was I counting? That was a little creepy. Stop that. I shook my head violently.

"Stiles! Would you mind keeping your head on the problem? I can't do this on my own, y'know." Scott said and once again ripped me out of my own thoughts. More or less. "Oh, and you think I can help? If you haven't noticed I'm not super strong or have super hearing and I don't turn hairy during the full moon!" I hissed at him with desperation and a small pang of jealousy. Because, sometimes I was a little jealous. I was the weak link here. Scott and Derek were supernatural people that turned into wolves and Allison was a hunter in every sense of the word. I was still human and I was of no real use to any of them.

Scott sighed and shook his head in defeat. "I was not talking about that." He announced a little annoyed. I frowned at my friend and wondered what the hell else we could have been in a conversation about. "I'm talking about Allison and I." He said and I swear I could not have groaned louder than I did. "I don't care, okay? Don't you think the alpha is a little more important right now?" I asked annoyed. The sombre look Scott offered me told me that that was only in my mind. "then go talk to her." I said and turned a little to look in her direction, only to look back at Scott.

"Would you stop that?" I asked and grabbed my history book. Scott had for some reason been running around the edges of his and Allison's relationship. I guessed that he had said something that had upset her. I looked at Scoot with a hard stare. He looked past me and I let out a sigh. "You know what? You can come and talk to me later during practice." I said and stalked off. I barely heard Scott's shout out for me.


Practice was in less than 10 minutes and I had to make my mind up whether I was going to go or skip for the time being. Coach would have my ass for it later, that was if he even noticed that I was gone. That man was more focussed on the people on the field, and winning, than the rest of us. He barely knew half of the team's names. I slammed my head against the wall in frustration. I had managed to keep Scott at bay for most of the day and if I was lucky I would get around his stupid talking about Allison during practice as well. But I had other reasons for not wanting to go to practice.

And one of them was about to resolve as I left the building and walked to my car, where I ran into the last person in the world that I wanted to see right now. The origin for my entire bad day. Derek bloody Hale.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's here! and I am at a loss of words myself. I know I'm weird, but I really am! I'm sorry about my terrible descriptions, but it pg rated and not nc so I have to stand on my thoughts and keep it that way. I still hope you all liked it and I'll see you all back here next Wednesday. Until then, stay excited!