Status: Working on it

Long Time Traveller

It's Dark and Cold

It's dark and cold where I am and the question of my current location looms over me constantly. I haven't got a clue as to how long I have been here just waiting, standing, sitting. There are voices and I recognize them sometimes. At least I think I recognize them. I'm not entirely sure of anything here. Where I am, what happened, I can't even recall what my name is. Sometimes a light flashes and I see what remains of this place, but just as it comes it fades and I am shrouded in the vast nothingness once again. This bleak abyss of cold air and emptiness.


Like a flickering flame in a campsite I see something a couple meters away. As I near it I relish in its warmth, though I can feel its anguish. Something is amiss but I can't care, I haven't seen anything but black in what feels like decades. As it grows in light and heat, so does the horrible feeling of betrayal, heartache, confusion. I close my eyes and listen to these emotions ring through the fabric of my soul. So much anger, but whose is it? Mine? Am I angry? I haven't felt anger in a long time. How I miss it. How I miss these emotions, people. What are people though? Was it all real or was I dreaming? Am I dreaming? Oh, I'm so terribly confused.

"Where am I?" I gasp and open my eyes. It's a man, I think. He's blue though, and his eyes are a blazing red. He reminds me of something from before this place but I can't remember it. "ANSWER ME." Talk. Can I talk, how long has it been. But a friend! Yes, a friend! Maybe I won't be alone anymore, oh please don't let me be alone, and he's a handsome fellow even if a bit in the extraterrestrial side.

"...hi." There a hello. I can't help but feel proud of myself, I can talk! I knew I had it in me.

His eyes grow in annoyance but quickly it turns to disgust as he notices his hands turning them and staring. I stand up and walk around the white room. I don't remember being confined, then again I don't remember much of anything in the dismal black of my solitude.

"Did you do this?" I ask the man. His gaze flickers to me, he seems lost. Why are you lost blue man?

"Do what?" I point to the lit plain white room.

"This room. It's usually dark and empty here, but now it's lit and confined. Is this your room?" It's then that he remembers he's in a room and begins to walk across it. He places a blue hand on the circling white wall almost as if he were observing it, feeling it out. I lift my own and notice a faint brown hue on it. In retrospect I should have been observing my surroundings and figuring out how to get out as my counterpart had been doing, but I was seeing a hand, my hand, what felt like the first time ever. I was tan, I wondered what other colors I had. Were my eyes white or blue? My hair! I pulled it out of the bun from my head and ran a hand across the silk locks.

Brown. A faint brown hue for skin and chocolate locks with blonde strands. Was I beautiful? As beautiful as the man? He's blue, black hair, some green and gold armor on what I assume to be a toned body, and red eyes. Sad red eyes. Confused, disgusted, angry red eyes.

"Where am I?" I snap out of my thoughts and look up at him. I smile gently and can't help but giggle at the confusing situation.

"I don't know." He doesn't look happy with my answer, nor with my happy mood I think. But I'm talking to a person! I'm not alone. Alone. I'm so very tired of being alone.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I shrug. He lets out a sigh and walks away to the other side of the circled room. "How did you end up here then?"

"That's a good question." He turns to face me and my smile falters. I feel pathetic, and slightly... Frustrated...? I wish I knew where we were. Where I was. It would make everything so much more easier.

"You do not know?" I shake my head letting go of my long hair. I cross my arms and it's only then that I realize I'm wearing a white gown. It's as white as the room but it's short reaching my knees. I reach toward the back and feel what are knots. A knotted white gown. How peculiar.

"You are a Midgardian." He spits out the word like poison and I should feel insulted, but I don't even know what it is.

"What is a Midgardian?" He sneers at me and I step back as he walks forward.

"A human, a mortal. What with your horrible accent, I'd go as far as to assume you hail from the land that Jane Foster woman comes from." He turns away from me and I sigh relieved to have his piercing hateful gaze away from my own. He scoffs, "America. Where were you when I attacked your precious planet? A hospital? Evidently from your hideous garb you are nothing but a ward seeking remedy for a dastardly illness. Pathetic." I take a deep breath and blink back the little spots of color that appeared. Well, isn't he a cup of sunshine.

"I don't know what you're saying. And I don't know what I am." Was I a mortal? Am I sick? That would actually explain a lot if I was. But what sick person would be here, and where is here.

"Never mind your confusion over your identity. Tell me how do I get out of here." He wants to leave? But he just got here, please don't leave. I don't want to be alone.

"I-I don't know how." He growls and turns back to the walls and begins to push them. I see sparks coming from his hands, and for a second I could have sworn they glowed!

"What is this place?" I jump back and walk away from his angry gait quickly. "What is it!"

I shake my head, "I told you! I don't know! I-it was dark and then the fire came! And then you talked and there was light and now you're here! I don't know where I am I don't know what's happening, I don't--I don't know!" I feel my eyes and nose begin to itch. I feel something flowing down my cheeks, water?

"How long have you been here?" I'm still staring at my wet finger tips shocked at what came from my eyes.

"I don't know." I heard him muttering clearly agitated but I didn't know what else to tell him. He knew as much as I did, wait no, he knows more than I do seeing as I have no idea about, well, anything.

"What do you know?"

"Before you came it was dark and cold for a long time. And now you're here and now there's light." He blinked once. Twice. He looked almost sympathetic, but I can't be too sure since just as quickly as it crossed his features it left.

"Do you know a name?" He nods and sighs.

"I am Loki." I smiled once again.

"That's a weird name." He glowers at me but I can't help giggling again. I can't help but feel happy.

"Well what is yours?" Happy feeling gone. I feel a word coming but it stops in throat. What is my name? Do I even have one? Who gave me my name? But to know who gave me a name I would have to remember a when and where and basic recollection, all of which I don't have. "Well?"

"I don't have one." He quirks an eyebrow. I shrug and turn to one of the walls sliding down it and resting.

"Surely you jest." I shake my head. A name. I wish I knew my name. I wish for a lot of things though. But a name. I have one, I know I do. But what is it!

"So you don't know where we are, you have been in darkness that is until my arrival, and you have no memory of who or what you are?" I nod my head.

"Well that's a bit disheartening." I bite my lip holding in any giggles seeing as they frustrate him more than the enigma of the situation. "Well what shall I call you?"


"Middy? May I inquire as to how you've come to choose such a name?" I grin.

"You called me Midgardian. I'm still a little confused over its meaning but you called me that first so why not 'Middy'?" He walks across the room and sinks down sitting much more leisurely than I. He has such long legs, though mine don't look to not be short, they're certainly not as long as his.

"A Midgardian is a race of beings far below the ranks of those I hail from. Calling yourself Midgardian should be an insult, a term only for lesser beings." Lesser beings? A race of 'beings'?

"And what are you?" His face turns to one of stoicism, though his eyes look hollow. Red and hollow now. He feels so much, why?

Suddenly the room moves, a crack rotating around our small enclave of peace. The light is dimming and I turn back to Loki and see he's fading. I can feel the burn and itch again and run towards him. I grab his fading blue face and his eyes look at me in confusion and slight fear. But not as scared as I feel in that moment. I can't lose him. I can't be alone again, please not again. Please stay. Please, please.

"NO!" I fall forward from the force of the collapsed room and the extinguished light.

I sob staring into the black nothing once again.
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Thank you for reading! Please be sure to comment if there are any discrepancies, but bear in mind this story is going to feature a slightly OOC Loki since it's taking place in a different "reality" than anything else and it will be explained in a couple chapters just what is going on. Be sure to comment/subscribe and let me know your thoughts!