Status: Completed.

I Want to See Heaven

Suicidal Thoughts Turned To Plans

I had to admit, being up that high was terrifying, especially considering my fear of heights. And even though I had failed time and time again, I was still trying. There was no way I could fail that time, though. I planned that one out. I wanted it. I really did. I was yearning for it. I mentally patted myself on the back, because I knew that for once I’d be successful.
I stepped to the edge of the roof and looked down. People, hundreds of people just walking by. There were cars passing each and every one of them effortlessly, with the occasional stir in traffic because of a taxi. No one bothered to look my way or acknowledge me which gave me even more reason to do what I was about to do. Maybe if someone did look up to me, I would change my mind….no, not even then.
I turned to face the other way. I didn’t wanna see the ground. I wanted to see Heaven. I took one last look around before jumping. The clouds were bright blue. The air was clear and refreshing, yet I still felt like the collar of my shirt was smothering me. Cold chills ran down my body. It might’ve seemed fast to someone else, but it was all in slow motion for me. I felt the air hitting every part of my body. I felt my stomach drop, and I felt the adrenaline of the fall. I felt my heart thump harder and harder. I felt like I was flying. Suddenly, I felt the pain of the impact. It was short, but I could still hear the splat of my head against concrete & the shattering of my bones. Then, everything went black.
Finally, it was over.

Some say death is scary, and others say it is peaceful. I like to think death is relieving. It’s like the weight of the world is lifted off of your shoulders, because in reality it is. No more worries, struggles, or long sleepless nights. God, I had a hundred of those...
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I love that I wrote this. It's horrifyingly beautiful.