Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 1

"Yo Gates Murdock wants to talk to you." Shadows said going back into the building.

Bodyguard Synyster Gates blew one last puff of his cigarette before stomping it out and entering the building.

He passed his fellow agents Zacky V and Johnny Christ. He walked to the door that had Murdock on in it in big bold letters. He straightened his suit and tie. He knocked on the door.

"Enter." A voice said within. He entered the office to find Agent Andrew Murdock sitting at his desk with papers sprawled on it.

"Gates please sit down." He said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. Synyster sat down.

Andrew Murdock was an agent and boss of a big company that specialized in hiring bodyguards and protectors. He had given not only Gates but his friends Shadows, Vegenance, and Christ jobs as bodyguards. All of them had bad or criminal pasts.

Shadows had assaulted a cop after refusal to cooperate.

Vegenance was arrested for car jacking.

Christ was arrested for possession of drugs.

And he had killed a guy in a bank robbery.

It haunted him ever since not a day went by that he didn't think about it. Murdock had seen potential in all of them and gave them all second chances. Something that Synyster would be eternally grateful for.

"What is it you wanted to speak to me about Agent Murdock?" He asked breaking the silence.

"I've got an assignment for you Gates." Murdock said looking up.

"Who do I have to protect?" Gates asked curious.

"Well it's a woman and she's one of the biggest selling female artists of all time." Murdock said.

Gates internally groaned. This woman was most likely a pop star. He hated to deal with pop stars in general. They thought they were hot shit all because they sold records and won VMAs and Grammies awards shows that are basically popularity contests. Female pop stars were the worse they were true and pure divas.

"Who is it?" Gates said already dreading it.

"Rihanna." Murdock said.

Gates snapped his head up.

"Rihanna?" He said. "As in the girl who sung that annoying song Umbrella Rihanna?"

"Can you think of any other Rihannas?" Murdock said.

"Listen Gates." He said. "She's been receiving threatening phone calls, letters, etc. "Someone's stalking her." "Her publicist called her asking for one of our best bodyguards."

"Why can't Shadows or Vegenance do it?" He asked

"Because I want you to do it." Murdock said firmly.

Synyster sighed knowing he wasn't gonna win this.

"Okay when do I start?" He asked.

"Tomorrow you and the others are going to her house to meet her and secure her house." Murdock replied.

Gates nodded his head and stood up to leave.

"Gates remember the rules." He started. "Don't let her out of your sight, don't let your guard down, and the number one rule...

"Don't mix business with pleasure." Synyster said.

"You got it Gates." Murdock said smiling.

"You don't have to worry about that Murdock." Synyster said.