Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 10

Synyster watched as Rihanna stood on front of the background of the house burning. Though he knew she was just mouthing out the words while the recording played over the speakers. He noticed the passion she put into. From the way her anguished, depressed, sad face expressions. To the way she moved her body lifting her arms high above her head.

Eminem joined her as the final verses of the song were playing. He walked over to her and they stood there watching the house burning.

"Cut!" The director yelled into his megaphone. "That's a wrap on Eminem and Rihanna."

Eminem and Rihanna hugged each other before going their seperate ways. Rihanna went to her trailer to get changed into her ordinary clothes.

Eminem walked over to him. "What'd you think?"

"Y'all were really good I can't wait to see the finished product." Synyster said with a smile.

"It just so happens we're having a release party for the music video on Saturday." Eminem said with a smile. "You wanna attend?"

"For real?" Synyster asked not believing his ears.

"Hell yeah I'm sure." Eminem said laughing. "You're a real cool dude and I'm sure Rih Rih would like for you to be there too."

"I'll come then." Synyster said thanking Eminem for inviting him.

At that moment Rihanna came out her trailer dressed in her regular clothes. She walked over to them.

"Hi guy what are y'all talking about?" Rihanna asked looking between them.

"I just invited Synyster to the premiere of Love The Way You Lie." Eminem replied.

"You're coming right?" Rihanna asked smiling.

"I wouldn't miss it." Synyster said returning the smile.

After saying goodbye to Eminem and the crew they got in the car driving away from the set.

"So you hungry?" He asked Rihanna.

She nodded. "I'm hungry for some Taco Bell actually."

"Taco Bell?" Synyster asked laughing.

"What?" She asked laughing with him. "Who doesn't like Taco Bell?"

He just laughed and drove to Taco Bell. They finally arrived. However it was lunch hour so the driveway was full so they decided to eat inside the restaurant.

After ordering and getting their food they eat in a comfortable silence.

"Synyster can I ask you a question?" Rihanna asked wiping her mouth off. He nodded waiting for her question.

"What's your real name?" She asked leaning forward.

Synyster stopped eating. Should he tell her?

"It's Brian." He finally said.

"Brian?" Rihanna said with a raised eyebrow. "Pretty normal name." He chuckled.

"I was named after my father." He said.

"How did you get the name Synyster Gates then?" She asked.

This was a very personal question it brought back memories of a past he didn't want to revisit.

"You don't have to tell me." She said seeing his face.

"It's okay I'll tell you." He said sighing deeply.

"I used to be in a gang." He said. "I got the name Synyster Gates one night when I was drunk with my best friend Jimmy."

"But he decided to spell Sinister, Synyster with ys and without the i's with his crazy ass." Synyster said laughing.

Rihanna laughed too. "Whatever happened to Jimmy."

Synyster sombered up and looked down. He felt a hand on his he looked up to see Rihanna giving him a warm smile.

"One night we were trying to rob a store as we ran out the store a rival gang approached us and started to mess with us." Synyster said.

"We fought with them and one of them pulled of a knife he was going to stab me but Jimmy knocked me to the ground and got stabbed instead." Synyster managed to say holding back tears.

"I was so mad I took my gun and shoot the gun in the face unloading an entire round in him." He said. "His friend ran off and I stayed there holding Jimmy as he lost blood and faded away.

"Eventually the police came and I was arrested for robbery and voluntary manslaughter." "I served a twenty year sentence when I was released I couldn't find work cause everyone was afraid of me and what I would do.

"That's when I got a call from Murdock saying he had a job as a bodyguard for me." "He said think of it as a second chance." "So I took the job." Synyster finished.

Synyster just poured his heart out to the last person he thought he would. He didn't know why he told Rihanna. He felt comfortable around her and like he could trust her.

He felt a hand squeezing his. He looked up into her green eyes.

"Thank you for sharing that with me Brian." She said with a smile. "It took a lot of courage for you to do so."

He returned the smile. After talking some more they got up and got in the car driving to Rihannas house in silence.

Synyster parked the car in front of her house. She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to him.

"Thanks for the day Brian I had a good time." She said smiling.

"So did I Rihanna." He said.

"You can call me Rih Rih." She said.

"Okay Rih Rih." He said with a smile.

He noticed he and Rihanna were leaning in. Their lips brushed together before finally connecting.

Her lips are so soft he thought putting one hand on her cheek and the other in her hair. Her hand played his short hair.

"This kiss is better than last nights." She whispered.

He pulled away looking at her. Rihanna realizesd what she said shit she said.

"You knew we kissed last night?" He asked slightly angry.

"Of course I did I wasn't even that drunk." She finally admitted.
"I acted like that last night so you would take me home and we would be alone."

"That's kinda low Rihanna." Synyster said looking forward.

"I know but I can't help that I'm attracted to you." She said.

"Rihanna we can't." Synyster said. "I'm the bodyguard I'm supposed to be protecting you." "We can't be anymore than that."

"Why the hell not?!" Rihanna asked angrily. "You want me as much as I want you so what's the problem?"

"We just can't." Synyster said not looking at her.

Rihanna said nothing. She got out the car slamming the door.

Synyster started the car and drove away.

He looked in the rearview mirror to see tears going down her face.