Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 13

Synyster woke up the next morning looking down at Rihanna and smile. Last night was the best night of his life. After the first time they had sex so many times he lost count.

He was still aching and still tired from it all. Rihanna may look like a sweet girl but in the bedroom she was a ravenous insatiable monster. Not that he minded he liked a woman who had a big sexual appetite.

As he ran his fingers through her hair. The reality of the situation hit him. He had sex with the person he was supposed to be protecting. He was scared at what the guys and Murdock would do if they found out. At the same time he didn't care.

He remembered what Katy had told him saying you can't fight your feelings. He didn't know what him and Rihanna had going out it whatever it was had to remain between them for now.

Rihanna stirred and opened her eyes smiling at him.

"Good morning." Synyster said kissing her.

"It is." She said giving him another kiss. "You wanna go another round?"

"You're gonna kill me Rih Rih." Synyster moaned as she got on top of him.

After they were done they laid there holding each other.

"What do we have?" Synyster asked her.

"I don't know secret boyfriend and girlfriend?" Rihanna said looking. "I really do like you besides the great sex Brian."

"I feel the same way." Synyster said leaning down to kiss her when...

There was a loud crashing sound downstairs. They jumped apart. Synyster got up putting his jeans on and grabbing the gun he kept in them.

Rihanna grabbed her robe and followed him. He gestured for her to stay on the stairs. She nodded standing on the top stair.

Synyster went down to see the glass from the side door completely shattered. He saw a brick with a note attached to it. Picking it up he untied the note it read:

"You die soon bitch!"

He heard a gasp behind him. He turned to see Rihanna standing near the front door looking at the broken glass.

"I told you to stay upstairs." Synyster said.

"I couldn't help it." Rihanna said coming towards him reading the note.

Tears came of her eyes he took her in his arms comforting her. After they got dressed. Synyster called the rest of the guys. Drake and Rhonda were also there.

"You didn't see anyone of hear a car speeding away?" The cop who had came asked.

"No." Both Rihanna and Synyster said in unison.

"Where were you at?" He asked Synyster.

"I was upstairs but I came downstairs when I heard the crash." He answered.

"And where were you at Rihanna?" He asked.

"Upstairs." Rihanna said.

The guys exchanged looks. Shadows looked at both Synyster and Rihanna and noticed how close they were sitting and how Synyster had his arm around her.

The cop continued to ask questions.

"Syn can I talk to you?" Shadows asked.

Synyster looked up at his friend and nodded giving Rihanna a squeeze before following him into the kitchen.

"You slept with her haven't you?" Shadows asked.

Synysters eyes widen at his friends bluntness and the fact he found out so quickly. Then again Shadows was very observant you couldn't get nothing pass him.

"Yes I did." Synyster admitted. "Are you gonna give me the talk telling me its wrong and the consequences and shit?"

"No." Shadows said surprising him. "You're a grown man and I can tell you feel deeply for Rihanna."

"I do Shadows." Synyster said smiling. "I can't make it go away."

"Who you telling?" Shadows said laughing. "It was the same way with me when I met Valary."

"Does Christ and Vengeance know too?" Synyster asked.

Shadows nodded. "Honestly we all knew it would've happened eventually."

"How?" Synyster asked confused.

"The way you and Rihanna would fight." Shadows said with a smirk. "Y'all looked like y'all wanted to have rough angry sex when y'all would fight." "As a matter a fact we were making bets on how long it would take y'all to get together."

Synyster punched his arm and laughed with his friend.

"Shadows what are we gonna do about her safety?" Synyster asked turning serious. "She can't stay here she needs to get away for a while."

"Maybe we could all take a trip to my cabin in Big Bear." Shadows suggested. "Your dads still using it but I'm sure he won't mind and there's plenty of room for all of us."

"Sounds great I'll have to ask her though." Synyster said.

"You go do that." Shadows said smirking.

Synyster punched him and left the kitchen to find Rihanna gone.

"Where's Rihanna?" He asked looking around.

"She went upstairs to her room." Drake answered.

Synyster walked up the stairs to find her room door ajar. He looked in to find her on her bed crying.

He entered and touched her back. She jumped and looked at him wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her soothing her.

"I'm scared Brian." She said.

"I'm here and I'll protect you along with the guys." Synyster said wiping her tears away.

She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I have to ask you something." He said.

She looked confused but nodded.

"Matt has a cabin in Big Bear he said we could all go there to get away from here for a while." Synyster said. "Only if you want too of course."

Rihanna kissed him with so much passion as her answer.