Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 16

Rihanna walked intobthe kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Hey Synyster and Papa Gates." She said greeting both.

"Hey Rihanna." Both said in unison.

"Synyster, McKenna and everyone else wanted to go outside to play in the snow." Rihanna said. "You up for it?"

"Sure let me get my stuff on." He said getting up and following Rihanna upstairs.

As soon as they walked in the room Rihanna pinned him against the door kissing him passionately. Synyster was tooken by surprise but he eagerly returned the kiss.

Her arms wrapped around his neck. His hands went to her cheek and her back. She nipped his lip before slipping her tongue inti his mouth.

Finally they pulled away gasping softly.

"Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?" Synyster asked smiling.

"I overheard you and your dad talking." Rihanna said.

Synysters face paled slightly.

"I think the same way about you." She finally said.

Synyster hugged her kissing her forehead and held her close.

"Do I always have to walk in on you two having your moments?" McKenna asked poking her head in.

"Do you have to always come in without knocking?" Synyster asked mockingly.

"Just get ready and hurry everyone else is already out." McKenna said leaving.

They both laughed before getting dressed in their coats, tough shoes, scarves, earmuffs, and winter hats.

They walked outside to find everyone doing various activities.

"Bout time y'all came out." Shadows said dodging a snowball McKenna threw at him.

Katy and Zacky were making snow angels. Drake, Johnny, McKenna, and Shadows were making a snowman.

"Where's Rhonda at?" Synyster asked noticing the publicist nowhere in sight.

"Said she had to take care of some things." Johnny answered placing the head on top.

Synyster looked up at the window of Johnnys room. He saw Rhonda looking down at them all. Seeing him looking at her she quickly closed the curtains.

Something's not right about her Synyster thought.

He was pulled out his thoughts by something icy hitting his face. He looked and saw Rihanna laughing at him preparing another snowball.

He tackled her to the ground both of them laughing. He kissed her nose which was red before helping her up.

Drake was holding up McKenna so should could put the hat on the snowman.

He decided to ask Drake about Rhonda since he was one of Rihannas best friends.

"I have to ask Drake something." Synyster told Rihanna.

She looked confused but nodded joining Johnny and McKenna who were building a snow fort.

"Drake can I talk to you?" Synyster asked.

Drake nodded and walked with him towards the side of the cabin.

"What's up Syn?" Drake asked.

"Drake how long has Rhonda been Rih Rihs publicist?" He asked.

"For about a year now why?" Drake asked.

"And these things started happening to Rihanna when?" Synyster asked.

"About four months ago." Drake said. "What's up with all the questions?"

"This is gonna sound crazy but something about Rhonda makes me uneasy." Synyster said. "Like how she reacted to the attempt on Rihannas life at the VMAs the rest of us were scared and worried she was sleeping like a baby."

"And she just seems distant from the rest of us." Synyster continued. "The way she carries herself it's like she's hiding something."

"You're not alone." Drake said.

"You believe me?" Synyster asked surprised.

Drake nodded. "I've never liked her and neither has Katy." "And you know Katy is the type of person who likes to be friends with everybody." "She said something about Rhonda makes her uneasy and I feel the same."

"Glad I'm not only in this." Synyster said with a smile. "Let's get back to the others."

They walked around to find everyone engaged in a snowball fight.

Katy hit Zacky in the back of the head. He turned running after her and catching her. She turned and kissed his cheek. He blushed.

"Get them!" McKenna yelled pointing at him and Drake.

Everyone turned their attention to the two and started throwing snowballs at them.

They dodged some. Synyster ran over grabbing his kid sister and spinning her around.

McKenna laughed as he got hit by a snowball thrown by Rihanna. He let go of McKenna who jumped on Rihannas back and ran away.

This continued for a while everyone was soaked and shivering.

"Everyone come inside and warm up." Suzy said. "Dinners almost ready."

Zacky ran with Katy on his back followed by Johnny who was squeezing his hat. Drake and Shadows followed behind.

Lastly Synyster and Rihanna followed with McKenna on his back.