Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 18

Synyster woke up the next morning feeling better than he ever felt. He looked down at the redhead sleeping next to him.

He couldn't believe a couple of days ago they were at each others throats. How much had changed! He was falling for Rihanna and she felt the same way.

He stroked her cheek her eyes fluttered open she smiled upon seeing him.

"Hi." She said smiling.

"Hi." He said kissing her.

"Slept well?" He asked.

"Yeah especially with you here." Rihanna said.

"What are your plans when we get back?" Synyster asked.

"The Grammies are coming up." Rihanna said. "Got to get ready for that."

Synyster raised his eyebrow. "Rihanna are you sure?" "I mean after that attempt at the VMAs...

"Yes I'm sure and you're probably gonna asks me if I'm scared." She said. "I am but I can't stay in hiding all cause of some sicko."

Synyster sighed still not liking the idea.

"Besides you and the guys will be there to protect me." She said smiling.

She kissed him he returned it. As the kisses got more heated the door opened.

"Hey Brian do aaahhhh!" McKenna said covering her eyes.

"Kenna I told you to knock before entering." Synyster said covering himself and Rihanna.

"Sorry I came to see if you do wanted to go skiing." She said.

"Sure." Rihanna said smiling.

"Might want to make yourselves decent first." McKenna said.

"Will do now get out." Synyster said tossing a pillow her way.

She dodged it and left the room laughing.

"Annoying kid sister." Synyster said getting up and grabbing his jeans.

"But you love her." Rihanna said smiling.

After making the bed and dressing they went downstairs to find only Papa Gates, Suzy, Drake, and McKenna eating.

"Where's everyone else?" Synyster asked sitting down.

"Shadows and Johnny went to get some more supplies and Zacky went to show Katy the sights." Papa Gates said.

"And Rhonda?" Synyster asked.

"Haven't seen her but I'm sure she's around." Suzy said.

Synyster nodded but gave Drake a glance he nodded too.

"McKenna said y'all are going skiing." Papa Gates said.

They all nodded.

"Be careful." Suzy said.

"We will." They all said in unison getting up.

After putting on their coats, hats, and snow boots they went outside. After getting the skiing equipment from the garage they headed up to the highest hill.

"Who goes first?" Synyster asked.

"Me!" McKenna said getting ready.

After she got herself situated she dug her poles in the snow and pushed forward. She ended up falling halfway down. McKenna laughed as she got up and walked back up to the others.

"Who's next?" Drake asked.

"Me." Rihanna said going down. She went all the way downhill and raised her poles in the air in victory.

Everyone continued skiing for a while. Then McKenna went to get a sleigh. After getting on Rihanna got on behind her. Drake gave them a push.

They went down laughing and screaming hitting a small stump and falling off. The two girls laughed getting up and walking back up.

"Y'all tired yet?" Synyster asked with a smile.

"Nope!" Both said in unison. "Well I could use some hot chocolate." He said.

"Me too." Rihanna said.

"Could you bring me some back?" McKenna asked.

"Sure." Synyster said as he, Drake, and Rihanna walked back to the cabin.

They came back to find everyone had came back.

As Synyster drank his hot chocolate looking out the window. He noticed something odd about the place where McKenna was playing.

He looked closer and saw something blinking. He ran pass drake who gave him a look.

"McKenna!" He yelled reaching her and throwing himself on top of her.

At that moment the bomb exploded.

Everyone else ran outside.

"You okay?" He asked his sister.

She nodded crying. Rihanna came over comforting the thirteen year old.

Synyster walked to the spot seeing the remains of a homemade bomb. There was a note it said:

"In a couple of days will be the last time you accept a Grammy."

Anger grew inside Synyster. The person who was after Rihanna was here and attempted to killer again and had almost killed his own sister.

"Synyster are y'all okay?" Shadows asked.

"Yeah the person who's after Rih Rih is here." He said. "It's not safe here anymore."

"We have to leave ASAP then." Rihanna said coming over with McKenna.

Synyster nodded. "We leave tomorrow."

Synyster sat watching the window and the house. They had already packed to leave tomorrow. He along with Shadows, Zacky, and Christ were watching the house. He was watching downstairs, Zacky was watching upstairs, Christ was scoping the attic, while Matt kept watch in the hallways.

His parents were asleep along with Drake, and Katy, McKenna, and Rihanna who were sharing a bed.

Synyster got up to get a drink he bumped into Zacky.

"Everything okay down here?" He asked.

"Yeah how bout upstairs?" Synyster asked.

"Clear." He said heading back up.

As he entered the kitchen Synyster heard a sob. He turned to see Rhonda crying and with a bottle of vodka in front of her.

He approached her. "Rhonda what's wrong and what are you doing down here?"

She sobbed again. "He won't stop."

"Who won't stop?" Synyster asked fully alert.

"He almost killed that baby!" She said sobbing harder.

"Who's he Rhonda?" Synyster asked again.

"The guy who's after Rihanna." She said.

"Who is he?" He asked again.

"Tried to kill McKenna...

"Rhonda whoever this is you can tell me to put a stop to this." Synyster says taking the bottle and glass from her.

"I don't know who he is!" She said burying her face in her hands.
"He's some guy who some guy I talked to hire to kill Rihanna."

"You put the hit on Rihanna?" Synyster asked.

"Yes." She said. "I was jealous of her and her success and she was always so spoiled and adored everyone loves her." "Even her own bodyguard!"

"So I asked around for someone to kill her." She continued. "I met this guy in a bar who knew a hit man so he hired him." "I can't call the hit off cause I don't know who he is." "But I didn't think he would try to kill McKenna." "I never meant harm to come to her or any of your family." "Please believe me."

"I do we're gonna find the guy who's doing this and put a stop to it." Synyster said. "Okay?"

She nodded.

At that moment there was a noise from upstairs and the sound of someone entering.