Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 2

"I feels so bad for you Gates." Vegenance said laughing.

"Shut it Zacky." Synyster said with a growl.

"Don't be mad Syn maybe it won't be so bad." Christ said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Christ but I don't think so." Synyster said. "Shadows are we almost there?" He asked for the thousandth something time.

"Would you stop fucking asking me that?" Shadows said from his place in the drivers seat. "We'll get there when we get there."

"I just want to hurry up and get this over with." Synyster said. "I can't believe I have to deal with this shit."

"Gates stop your bitching." Vegenance said. "You're getting on my nerves."

"I'm sorry guys I just can't help it." He said. "I have to deal with a pop diva."

"I don't know why you're carrying on." Christ said. "You're not the one who had to bodyguard Madonna."

The guys snickered at this. According to Christ Madonna was a straight up cougar. He shivered as he recalled how she hit on him numberous times. The rest of the drive was rode in silence.

"We're here!" Shadows announced.

Synyster looked up and saw a big house surrounded by a big gate. No surprise he thought.

The gate opened and Shadows drove forward stopping to talk to the guy who controlled the gate. After telling him who they were the guy ushered them to drive forward.

Shadows parked near a fountain in the middle of the driveway. They all sat there already scoping the house.

"Let's go guys." Shadows said unbuckling his seatbelt.

Synyster was the last one out. He straighten his suit as they approached the door. There was loud music playing.

How the hell aren't they deaf he thought.

Shadows rang the doorbell a total of six times. Finally a woman with her hair in a bun answered.

"Are you the bodyguards?" She asked. They all nodded.

"Come in." She said stepping aside. "Follow me."

They all followed her to a big room where there was dancers performing a routine.

"I'm Rhonda." The woman said shaking their hands. "I'm Rihannas publicist."

"Y'all just wait here." She said walking away.

The guys stood there out of place in the room filled with pop music and dancers. While they were in their ripped jeans, eyeliner, and tattoos.

A guy they recognized as Drake approached them.

"What's up homies?" He said giving them all the handshake.

"Drake right?" Shadows asked. Drake nodded.

"Who's who?" Drake asked.

"Shadows." "Christ." "Vegenance." "Gates."

Drake nodded.

"So which one of you is Rihs new bodyguard?" He asked.

Synyster raised his hand. Drake burst out laughing.

"Well good luck man." Drake said patting him on the back.

"Thanks." Synyster said sarcastically. "Where is she anyway?"

"Stop!" A voice yelled. The guys turned to the side and saw the red haired Rihanna coming down the stairs with Rhonda following.

"Here she comes now." Drake said

"Rhonda these dancers don't know what the hell they're doing." Rihanna continued. "The VMAs are in three days they're gonna fucking embarrass me."

Drake walked over to her.

"Rihanna calm down and come meet your new bodyguard." Drake said.

"Bodyguard?" She said. "Nobody said shit to me about a new bodyguard."

The guys stood there awkwardly looking at each other.

"We had to get more security for you." Rhonda said. Rihanna rolled her eyes.

"Okay whatever so where is he?" She said looking around her eyes landing on the guys. "Who the hell are those people?"

"These are your new security." Drake said. Rihanna walked forward giving all the guys a once over.

"I hope this clown right here looking like a parrot ain't my bodyguard." She said her eyes on Christ.

"No I'm not." He said through clenched teeth.

"Thank God!" Rihanna said turning to Zacky.

"Please tell me you're not my bodyguard." She said looking at him with disdain.

"No I'm not." Zacky said trying to keep his cool.

"Okay are you it?" Rihanna asked turning towards Shadows with a flirty smile. "Cause I don't mind a big guy like yourself to protect me."

Shadows chuckled at her attempt to flirt. "Sorry sweetheart I'm not either."

Rihannas eyes finally landed on Synyster. She looked him up and down as he stared back unblinking.

"Oh hell no!" Rihanna said exiting the room with Drake and Rhonda behind her trying to talk to her.

"That could've went better." Shadows remarked.