Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 3

Synyster walked into his condo exhausted from the days events. He opened his door to the sound of small feet running toward him.

"Hey Pinkly." He said picking up the Maltese in his arms. "You miss me girl?" The dog licked his face in response.

He entered the kitchen setting Pinkly on the floor. After putting food out for Pinkly he grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels. He started to get a glass then changed his mind.

Hell I need the whole thing he thought about the long day he had. Tomorrow was when he started as Rihannas bodyguard full time.

He didn't look forward to tomorrow at all. He could tell right off the bat that the pop star was going to be uncooperative. Not only how she acted when she first met them all but her constant complaining about all the new security cameras around her house.

Eventually Drake and Rhonda had managed to get Rihanna to come back down.

"So what's your name bodyguard?" She had asked with a bored tone.

"Synyster Gates." I answered.

"Synyster Gates?" She said with a raised eyebrow. "What the hell kinda name is that?"

This made Synyster made he'd be damn if he was gonna let some little pop princess make fun of him.

"It's my kinda name." He retorted with a growl.

Rihanna scoffed. "Your mama must've been high off of hospital medication when she named you then."

"No one talks poorly about my mother." He said losing his control. "And for your info it's not even my real name."

Rihanna rolled her eyes. "Well your real name must be more embarrassing if your going by a retarded name like Synyster Gates.

He was about to say something else when Shadows interrupted them.

"Okay now that you two are aquatinted Rihanna we need to start setting up the new security cameras." He told her.

"Sure you go ahead and do that." She said giving him a friendly smile. Synyster rolled his eyes.

The guys went to the car to get the new security equipment.

"You really need to watch yourself Gates." Zacky said.

"What was I supposed to do?" He said his anger rising. "Just stand there and let her insult me and my mom?"

"As sad as it sounds yes." Christ said grabbing a bag. "You can't blow this up all cause she's spitting insults at you." "Murdock is counting on us."

"She said shit to us too man but we didn't lose it." Zacky said.

"But that little bitch...

"Gates lets just get started." Shadows said grabbing the last of the equipment and they walked back into the house.

They set to work putting cameras in the corners, the bushes, pretty much anywhere you could hide a camera. But when it came to setting up Rihannas room the pop star threw a fit.

"No way in hell y'all putting them damn cameras in my room!" She said blocking their way.

"Rihanna we have to for your safety." Johnny said calmly.

"Fuck that!" She said. "What about my privacy?" "Y'all might put one in my shower or right smack in the middle so y'all can see me undress."

"That's a sight I don't want to see." Synyster said under his breath but loud enough for her to hear.

She glared at him and was about to say something else when Shadows intervene.

"Rihanna we're just placing them in your fireplace, closet, etc." He told her. "You have my word none of them will be placed where we can see you undressing." He gave her one of his deep dimpled smiles.

"Okay go ahead." Rihanna said with a smile. She even smiled at Christ and Vegenance when they walked by but glared at Synyster. He returned the glare.

After what seemed like forever everything was sent up and they could leave.

Thank God Synyster thought wanting to get as far away from the pop star as he could.

"So everything is sent up?" Rhonda asked.

"Yes will see you tomorrow then." She said as Rihanna walked them to the door. She gave Shadows, Vengeance, Christ a smile.

"I don't look forward to seeing you tomorrow." She said to him as he walked pass her.

"I don't look forward to seeing you tomorrow either." He said back. She glared and slammed the door shut.

As soon as they got in the van Synyster let out a frustrated groan.

"It wasn't that bad Gates." Shadows said as he drove away.

"Easy for you to say ." Synyster said. "She's practically ready to drop her panties for you."

"It's called being nice." Shadows said. "Ya see Gates some people can get a feeling about person." "You made it cleared you didn't want to be there she must've got that vibe from you."

"Yeah I mean she was mean to us at first but she starting to act nice towards us." Christ added in.

"Tomorrow's a new day maybe y'all could start over." Zacky suggested.

"I guess y'all are right." Synyster said.

It'd be easier to bodyguard a person when they were cooperative.

They arrived back at headquarters. Murdock asked them how it went. They all said good in unison though Synyster wanted to tell him how it really went.

They then went their seperate ways.

Synyster sat the half empty bottle of Jack Daniels on his bedside table. He couldn't get drunk he had to wake up really early.

Sighing he stripped down to his boxers and fell asleep dreading tomorrow.