Status: Active

S.O.S. (Please Someone Help Me)

Chapter 4

Synyster woke up the next morning his head slightly throbbing. He groaned rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. 6:35. He had to be there by 7:30.

He got up stretched made his bed. Then went to shower. As he dried himself off and dressed in his suit. He hoped that today would go more smoothly than yesterday.

He spiked his hair to perfection and put on a little eyeliner. After feeding Pinkly and eating himself some toast. He got in his car and drove to his destination.

He got to the gate talked to the gate guy who gestured him in. He drove forward and parked in front of the door.

Taking a deep breath he remembered the guys words. Be nice, try to make a new start. He got out his car and approached the door ringing the doorbell.

After a couple of mintues Rhonda answered the door.

"Good morning Synyster." She said stepping aside so he could enter.

"Morning Rhonda." He said. He looked around in search of the pop diva.

"Rihanna will be down in a bit." Rhonda said. "She's getting ready to try on dresses for the VMAs."

"Great." He said unenthusiastically.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Rhonda asked.

"No thank you Rhonda." Synyster said with a smile. At that moment Rihanna came down the stairs.

"I'm ready Rhonda." She said not even giving Synyster a glance.

"Okay Synyster you're going to have to drive her to the store." Rhonda said handing him the keys.

"Hold the hell up he's not driving my damn car." Rihanna said with a huff.

"Rihanna your chauffeur Marco is busy so Synyster is the only one who can do it." She said trying to reason with the pop star.

"Fine whatever let's just go already." She said walking past them and out the door.

"Good luck." Rhonda said giving him a sympathetic smile. Synyster managed a weak smile before following Rihanna.

He found her against the car looking at her phone. He walked to the drivers side and got in.

"What the hell are you doing?" She said.

"Getting in the car what are you doind?" He retorted back.

"You're supposed to open the door for me." She said as if it should be obvious.

"I'm your bodyguard not your chauffeur." He said slowly starting to lose his patience.

"Well today you are." She said with a mean smile.

Synyster growled and got out opening the door for the pop princess.

"Thank you." She said with smug smile.

"Whatever just get in." He said. He walked back to the drivers side. He adjusted the mirror, put on his seatbelt before backing out the driveway.

The entire drive was in silence except for the occasional sound of the keys on Rihannas phone due to her texting of her clicking her tongue.

Synyster found himself looking. He thought it sounded kinda adroable the way she would click her tongue.

"Any reason you're looking at me and not the road?" She asked annoyed. He shook his head and payed attention to the road.

"So Rihanna?" He said causing her to look up. "I think we got off on the wrong foot yesterday."

"Really?" She asked. "Cause I don't need somebody like you to bodyguard me." This made him mad.

"What do you mean someone like me?" He asked thorough clenched teeth.

"Let's see some biker looking guy with all them damn tattoos with hair that looks like you've shocked." She said. "And what straight guy wears eyeliner?" "Or are you confused?"

"I'm not confused and I dress this way cause I want to." He growled out. "Just like you dyed your hair that color looking like your brain had a period."

She glared at him but to his relief didn't say another word.

So much for starting over he thought.

They finally arrived at the boutique.Rihanna didn't even wait for him. She got out slamming the door and went inside. He quickly followed her and found her talking to a designer.

After talking to the designer she went to the ranks and starting looking with him close behind.

"I don't like you being so close to my ass." She said. He rolled his eyes and put a little distance between them.

She went to the dressing rooms with a handful of dresses with him right behind her.

"You gonna follow me into the dressing room?" She asked irritated. "You wanna see a little something?"

"Not from you." He sneered.

She glared before going into the dressing rooms.

It was about two and a half hours later. Synyster had never been so bored in his life. He rather be in the car with Rihanna giving him the silent treatment then this shit.

Finally she picked out a red lace slightly see through dress. The designer took it saying she would make changes so it would fit her. After thanking the designer. Rihanna walked over to him.

"Let's go bodyguard." She said.

"Synyster." He said with a growl.

"Whatever." She said rolling her beautiful green eyes.

Did I just call her eyes beautiful Synyster thought.

He shook the thought away before following Rihanna out the store.