The Reason


It has now been almost an hour and I am getting bored and all the excitement I may have had before is slowly going away. One thing I hate more than surprises is long drives. They get boring and when I am bored I become very annoying. I start asking if we are there yet and sing really loud and obnoxious. Which is bad since I am a music major at Toronto. I have a great voice, everyone says and I even play the piano. But I love to dance the most. I gave that up a few years ago to be with my now ex and I just don’t have the energy to get back into it. Kelly has tried once but that ended in me not talking to her for about a month. Which is why I am nervous about this trip, hopefully it has nothing to do with dance.

Groaning I hit the back of the head rest. “Where are we going? Are we even close to this place? Why are we in the middle of nowhere?”

Smacking my arm she huffs. “Come on sush. We are almost there just calm yourself you will like this! I promise you.”
Sloughing back in the seat I release some not so nice words to her. This whole being in the middle of nowhere thing is getting freaky. What is we break down, no one can help us. Glancing at my phone I shake my head, we don’t even have cell reception. Wonderful, we are gonna get killed out here in the middle of nowhere. Yikes, maybe I should stop with the horror movies.

About another 15 minutes later, right when I am about to ask if we are there yet, Kelly pulls into a drive way. And at the end of that driveway is a really, really nice looking ranch house. The house is huge and very pretty. Clearing her throat I break out of my trance and look at Kelly. “So um where in the hell are we? This place is amazing! Who owns it?”

Smiling Kelly point to herself , my eyes bulge out of my head. “It’s my families, but they let me have it this weekend since it is not being used.” Kelly comes from a family who have some money, nothing price wise bothers her so I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised about this being her families. They own about six cars for the family of four and own two different vacation homes. Now her car isn’t flashy but it is on the nicer side.

“How come we never came here before!? This place is amazing!”
Smiling she shrugs her shoulders, “I honestly thought I told you about this place,” getting out of the car she smiles, “Come on hurry up!”

Sprinting out of the car I catch up to her, “Open the door women it’s cold! And I want to see the house!” Walking in behind her I smile at the inside, the house is even better on the inside, it even smells like food. Well that is a little weird.

“Hey, why do I smell-“


Jumping about five feet in the air I jump behind a laughing Kelly. Hearing more laughter I glance from behind her and see about ten people. Smiling I run to one in particular jumping into his arms.

“Gah, Skyler!!” Squeezing him tight I can’t stop smiling. “I can’t believe it’s you!”

“Well hello to you baby cakes.” Squeezing me back I giggle.

“I cannot believe you are here! I have not seen you in forever! Oh how is hockey!? How is my brother-“

“I am right here you little brat.”

Giggling Skyler lets me go and I tackle my twin brother, Ben. “I missed you brat.”

Letting him go I take a step back and look at them both. It has been about a year and a half since I have seen both of them and let’s just say the past year has been good to them. See these two play for the Kitchener Rangers and have been going for the past year to keep improving. Okay I did see my brother over the summer for a week but Skyler did not come with him last time because of a girl he meet, but seems like she is out of the picture if he is here. Which is good because we made one of those pacts where if we don’t find someone by age 29 it’s gonna be us forever. Glancing around the two I notice five other people.
“I can’t believe you guys are all here! Kelly I forgive you for dragging me out here.”

This has to be the best early birthday party ever. I have no idea how Kelly was able to get my brother and Skyler out here plus Sally, Tara and Scott. All of my best friends together is amazing, since I haven’t seen them all in about a year. “However you did this I love you!” Hugging her she smiles handing me a beer.

“Let’s get this party started birthday girl!”

Smiling we all head towards the kitchen to get some food before the drinking festivities begin. Glancing over at Skyler I smile. “Gah I can’t believe you are here.”

Smiling he wraps his arm around my shoulder. “I am glad too, you have gotten even prettier since I saw you last Madison.” Shivering when he says my name I smile.

“Come on let’s beat everyone at beer pong like old times!” Smiling I pull his arm towards the living room. This is the best present ever, it can’t get any better.

But boy am I wrong.