The Reason


The mornings after parties are always the worst, especially when you are one to get the worse hangovers ever. Groaning I try to roll over only to be stopped by an arm wrapped around my waist. Glancing behind me I blush when I notice Skyler is spooning me. Shit what happened last night. Picking his hand up and crawl out of the bed slowly and make my way down stairs.
Hearing some pans from down stairs I head towards the kitchen to find Kelly and Tara roaming around the kitchen trying to get breakfast ready. With another clang of a pan I groan.

“Could you guy keep it down?” Sitting at the table I lay my head down trying to make the headache go away. Hearing a giggle I glance up at Tara and notice her holding out a cup of coffee.

“You my friend had an interesting night.” Giving them a puzzling look I take the coffee from her sniffing it I smile.

“So um do I really want to know what happened last night?”

Drinking the holiness of hangover cures I watch as the two have a silent conversation between themselves. Finally they look at me and both shake their heads. “Did I get that bad? Like fun bad or bad bad?”

“It was fun bad, you actually seemed to be having fun.” Laughing Tara seats the table and Kelly runs upstairs with a smirk on her face.

“Did she really just take a pan up there to wake up every one?” Before Tara can answer a loud banging sound can be heard along with the yelling coming from Kelly. “They are going to kill her, I am not saving her from Ben or Scott.”

Drinking some more coffee I try to ignore the yells from everyone. “Thanks for cooking, I missed your yummy cooking food.” Smiling Tara sets a plate full of delicious food down in front of me.

“Get your ass back here!” Glancing at the archway I watch as Kelly is laughing her head off like a mad women and my broth chancing her around the house.

“I have no idea how Ernesto can handle her.” Tara shakes her head and sits down as Sally and Scott walk in together with Skyler following close behind.

“Oh god something smells good.” Scott pretty much sprints to the table and starts to shovel piles of pancakes and eggs onto his plate.

“You are such a pig.” Sally takes a seat next to him and smacks his arm when he tries to kiss her with his mouth full of food. Giggling at the two love birds Skyler sits down next to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“Morning sunshine. How are you feeling this morning?” Smiling at me my face flushes as I look back down at my food trying to ignore the beautiful man next to me.

“Could be worse I guess.” Smiling Skyler loads up his plate just like Scott and digs in. Doing the same I smile at how perfect the pancakes taste. They pretty much melt in your mouth.

“Madison help me!” Watching Kelly run into the kitchen out of breath she hides behind my chair. As a angry brother walks into the room. “Don’t let him get me! Please!” Laughing I shake my head.

“You did this too yourself, but my dear brother I would highly advice you sit down now because Scott and Skyler has eaten most of the food already.” With that in the blink of an eye he quickly sits down and shovels food on his plate/mouth. “Just make sure you don’t choke there piggy.” Flipping me off he goes back to his food.

Giggling I get Kelly to stop hiding behind me and go eat. “Man I am stuffed.” Scott rubs his tummy and smiles. “Maybe I should be dating Tara since she is a good cook.” Everyone burst out laughing as Sally huffs and slaps him in the chest.

“You can be the biggest ass sometimes.” Getting up from the table she sets his dish in the dish washer and heads up stairs with a worried Scott following right behind her.

“Hopefully their forgive me sex isn’t too noisy.” Kelly giggles.
Ignoring her comment I turn towards Skyler, “So when do you and dumb dumb have to leave?”

Glancing over at Ben he shrugs. “Like maybe in two hours? Not really sure but we still have time to hang out.” Smiling at me I feel myself blush again and look down at my plate I smile.

“Come here I want to show you something.” Pulling my up from the chair he picks me up bridal style and carries me up the steps into the room we were this morning.

“Put me down you crazy!” Laughing he tosses me onto the bed and climbs in next to me. “So what did you want to show me?” Sticking my tough out at him I sit up and lean against the backboard.

Watching him sit up he gets a nervous look across his face and runs a hand through his hair. “Last night was nice Madds, I really had a good time with you. And I really like you Madds, I want to give us another try....”

Blushing I starting playing with my nails. “I um…”

“I know we have tried it before I just, I felt lost without you and when you were dating that d-bag I tried to move on because you were happy but Madds I was and am not over you.”

Looking up at him I give a small smile, “Can I think about it?”
Nodding his head he gives me a half smile and pulls me in for a hug. “So how about you tell me what you have been up to at school this past year and some.”

This time I nod my head and snuggle into his chest telling him all about the break up to the Tyler kid.