Status: Well! this is my first story hope you enjoy. Comment, subscribe, vote i love to here what you think ;) thx~!

The Destined Mortal

My Life- Prologue

I was alone, a nobody, corrections am a nobody its okay don't pity I
have been living this way for 17 years.
My father was a drug dealer throughout my childhood, from weed to drinks he was practically dependent to these substance. He would leave the apartment early in the morning and not to be expected anywhere sooner than a week. There was nothing anyone could do for he always warned me “whatever happens in the house...stays in the house.'' My mother too was defenseless for she was abused by him sexually, and verbally, whatever he said went. And their I was a small eight year old it didn’t bother me at first that their was no love, for I didn’t know what love was then, but as I grew up I began to realize my life was not getting better but worse. Soon after my father left us completely it broke my mothers heart. There after she started prostitution, selling her body for money to pay the rent. As I was the only child I had nobody to lean to, no warmth or comfort so I left it inside me, I showed the world nothing of my pain. I conserve it to devour me apart, I began to question if my life was meaningless or a mistake in a room filled with unwanted pleasure. It wasn’t for me to question wasn’t for me to question my destiny.