Status: Well! this is my first story hope you enjoy. Comment, subscribe, vote i love to here what you think ;) thx~!

The Destined Mortal

The Grill

walking through the streets of Mirwood was not any kids fantasy place of living, especially in the year of 2015 , technology has advance beyond our limit but in Mirwood the community was poor. The rich refuse to grant us any help, all their waste and used products was what they threw at us, and we..just greedily accepted it but nobody cares anymore guess we all just accepted our lives and moved on, at least that is what I did.
As I neared the Grill which was one of the popular hangouts for teens, adults, punks, and low lives, its serving purpose was to enjoy and get high. Opening the door I expected the worst, red lights washed through my entire body like lasers, checking for any items prohibited according to their ''Book''. Ignoring this action I continued walking until I reached the bartender eying me suspiciously.
''Miranda what can I do for you this morning'' he said sweetly but yet suspected. Knowing him much better I glared at him and snarled
''Carlos just give me what I want and I can leave'' I said as I lowered my head, eyes and voice. Grabbing my hair behind me he forced me to glare at him, the more I squirmed the more he gripped tighter burning my scalp. ''Don’t be difficult Mira, tell your mom I'll be over when my shift is done.'' As he spoke her loosened the grip on my hair and shot me a dirty look. Knowing exactly what he meant he handed me my cigarettes and continued his cleaning. Carlos has been my mothers most frequent client, after his shift at the Grill he would stop by the apartment and leave after his business was taken care of. Settling down on one of the chairs I watched Carlos still gazing towards me. ''leave! Child you know your mother never wants you hanging out around this place'' he spoke angrily ''unless she's busy with a client'' I spited back at him. Finally deciding to ignore him my attention was taken by two females seated near at the back of the Grill, they where both beautiful I began to wonder. The first was pale as snow her natural blonde hair cascaded down her neck and her forehead was positioned with a bang directly in front of her face, her mouth was continuously moving left and right suspecting her to be chewing gum. The other had brown skin here hair was long and black, in the middle of them both was a man, somewhat mature in a way but young in others. As I continued to stare he glared at me with mix curiosity and suspicion, I glared back blankly showing no emotion. Held against him was a black sweater, pulled upon his his head was his hood. He blonde noticing our exchange stared at me with pure hatred and disgust, deciding it was time to leave I walked towards the door and took one look behind me and there he was still glaring, pushing the handle I walked out and left.
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First chapter guys take a minute to vote, subscribe , recommend and tell me what you think